Tesla Coil Show Controller – 6 Outputs Build (Part 3 of 6)

Due to time constraints due to things like life, work, education and more or less sleep, this project is split into some smaller phases. To read all the parts, read the article about the complete DRSSTC controller project.

Part 3 – 6 outputs build

In this video we go through building a optical interface for galvanic isolation between controller and Tesla coils. There is also switches for selecting between different interrupters and a dry-test function to test MIDI files without Tesla coils connected. The analog interrupters are from Profdc9 PCB pack that is full of free schematics, designs, gerber files. The 6 channel MIDI interrupter is the feature rich Syntherrupter made by Max Zuidberg. He shares all the plans, documentation, code and schematics on: https://highvoltageforum.net/index.php?topic=1020.0

I am building a Tesla coil show controller that can control up to 6 Tesla coils at once. It will feature individual interrupters, touch screen controlled MIDI interrupter, safety features to ensure a safe method of working with the Tesla coils before a show, under a show and after a show. It will all be housed in a transportable 19″ rack mount flight case for ease of transportation and to protect the electronics. Project thread: https://highvoltageforum.net/index.php?topic=1417.0

2 thoughts on “Tesla Coil Show Controller – 6 Outputs Build (Part 3 of 6)”

  1. Pingback: Tesla Coil Show Controller Project

  2. Pingback: Tesla Coil Show Controller - Programming Syntherrupter

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