Tesla Coil Show Controller – Programming Syntherrupter (Part 2 of 6)

Due to time constraints due to things like life, work, education and more or less sleep, this project is split into some smaller phases.

Part 2 – Programming Syntherrupter

In this video we go through features, firmware, programming and test of the Tiva development board and Nextion display. The 6 channel MIDI interrupter is the feature rich Syntherrupter made by Max Zuidberg. He shares all the plans, documentation, code and schematics on: https://highvoltageforum.net/index.php?topic=1020.0

I am building a Tesla coil show controller that can control up to 6 Tesla coils at once. It will feature individual interrupters, touch screen controlled MIDI interrupter. Safety features to ensure a safe method of working with the Tesla coils before a show, under a show and after a show. It will all be housed in a transportable 19″ rack mount flight case for ease of transportation and to protect the electronics. Project thread: https://highvoltageforum.net/index.php?topic=1417.0

2 thoughts on “Tesla Coil Show Controller – Programming Syntherrupter (Part 2 of 6)”

  1. Pingback: Tesla Coil Show Controller Project (Part 1 of 6)

  2. Pingback: Tesla Coil Show Controller - 6 Outputs Build (Part 3 of 6)

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