Nokia Siemens 3G Flexi 2100MHz 50W Amplifier Teardown (part 1 of 3)

Teardown of a Nokia Siemens Networks Flexi Multiradio amplifier. This was for example used for mobile phone base station installations and this particular part is a 2×50 Watt FRGL amplifier. This have been in service as a 2 antenna system for mobile telecommunications. It is GSM / EDGE and WCDMA / HSPA capable.

Nokia Siemens RF Amplifier Codes

The FRGL is short for Flexi Radio followed by G code for amplifier and L is likewise a series designation.

  • FRGE – Flexi Mast Head RF Module 2100 50W. Stand alone transceiver module with integrated antenna filters and combiners.
  • FSEG – System External GPS Mediator. Used for providing IP55 protected area for powering and connecting the GPS module to the BTS system.
  • FRGJ – Flexi RF Module 2100 Dual 50 W. Stand alone transceiver module with integrated antenna filters.
  • FRGK – Flexi RF Module 2100 Single 50 W. Stand alone transceiver module with integrated antenna filters.
  • FRGL – Flexi RF Module 2100 Dual 50 W. Stand alone transceiver module with integrated antenna filters.
  • FRGM – Flexi RF Module 2100 Single 50 W. Stand alone transceiver module with integrated antenna filters.

Discussion of teardown:

All high resolution pictures will be published with part 2.

RF Amplifier technologies

I mention some technologies in this video, which I do not cover in detail. Consequently, I will point you to previous videos I have made, where I explain these technologies.

In conclusion, there is similar teardown videos, hardware articles and reverse engineering work done on RF amplifiers from Ericsson, Nokia Siemens and Huawei. Complete systems with power supplies, system computers, amplifiers and filters. Ranges from 40 Watt to 90 Watt RF output power in frequency ranges between 900 to 2100 MHz. In short, all these articles and teardowns are listed in the complete list of RF teardown videos.

5 thoughts on “Nokia Siemens 3G Flexi 2100MHz 50W Amplifier Teardown (part 1 of 3)”

  1. Pingback: DIY 30W LED Work Lamp From a Discarded Street Light

  2. Pingback: Nokia Siemens 3G Flexi 2100MHz 50W Amplifier Circuit Analysis

  3. Pingback: Nokia Siemens 3G Flexi 2100MHz 50W Amplifier Circuit Analysis (Part 2 of 3) -

  4. Your videos are so informing, as a an RF engineer, I interact with this modules, Huawei and Nokia flexi. All BTS equipments (system modules, baseband modules, RF modules, power modules, etc). Power issues are commonly easy to troubleshoot and repair. Digital section is tough.

    What dou you think could be be issue with RF modules that are powering up(turning ON) but aren’t detected by system module,i.e not communicating with the BTS

    I would suspect lightning or transient damage to the network interface, or is it showing communication? Or at least trying to? You could try to exchange the network ICs, if that is your only chance.
    Might be some kind of software issue, which is extremely hard to do anything about, when you do not have the developer tools.
    Kind regards

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