Capacitor Code Chart

European capacitor material codes


Metal foil and Polycarbonate dielectric film. See MKC for more details.


Metal foil and Polypropylene dielectric film. See MKP for more details.


Metalized Polycarbonate foil. Extremely temperature stable with less than 1% capacitance tolerance between -55ºC to +125ºC. Small size, high Q and capacitance stability make them ideally suited to filter network and other low-loss high frequency applications.


Metalized Polyphenylene sulphide foil. Extremely temperature stable with less than 1% capacitance tolerance between -55ºC to +125ºC. Small size, high Q and capacitance stability make them ideally suited to filter network and other low-loss high frequency applications.

MKP / PP / Polypropylene

Metallized Polypropylene foil. Known as power film capacitors. Very Low ESR, high stability and can found in 1% tolerance versions and can operate at temperatures up to 110°C. Suitable for high power AC circuits, circuits with high peak currents, high frequency resonant circuits, precision timing circuits, switch mode power supplies, sample and hold circuits, high frequency pulse discharge circuits and energy storage circuits. High internal resistance results in low levels of self discharge.

MKS / PS / Polystyrene

Metal foil and Polystyrene dielectric film. A metalized version was unsuccessful due to the low melting point of the dielectric. Suitable for precision-tuned circuits due to the extreme stability in the 0°C thru +50°C range and it has long-term stability. The dielectric has a maximum operating temperature of +85°C. It will melt at +100°C.

MKT / PET / Mylar / Polyester

Metalized polyester foil. Known as Mylar, Polyester or Polyethylene terephthalate PET capacitors. Low ESR and can operate at temperatures up to 125°C, without much voltage derating. Suitable to be used for high frequency filtering, outdoor applications where moisture can be a problem, high voltage or current peaks in circuits and coupling and de-coupling circuits.

Decoding capacitor codes

Looking at our capacitor we will see its marked 474J, this should be read as follows, 47 times the value that can be found in Table 1 corresponding to the 3rd number, in this case 10000. 47 * 10000 = 470000 pF = 470 nF = 0.47 uF with the J meaning a 5% tolerance. A second letter will be a temperature coefficient if its present. Judging by a capacitors size and type, you will quickly learn to determine if the value on the capacitor is given in pF, nF or uF.

If a capacitor is f.ex. marked 2A474J, the capacitance is decoded as described above, the two first signs is the voltage rating and can be decoded from table 2 here below. 2A is 100VDC rating according to the EIA standard.

Some capacitors are only marked 0.1 or 0.01, mostly in these cases the values are given in uF.

Some small capacitance capacitors can be marked with a R between numbers, f.ex. 3R9 where R is a indicator of values below 10pF and have nothing to do with resistance. 3R9 would be 3.9pF.

Table 1 – Capacitor codes with letters and tolerances

3rd numberMultiply withLetterTolerance
7Not usedM20%

Table 2A – Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) – DC voltage code table

0E = 2.5 VDC2A = 100 VDC3A = 1 kVDC
0G = 4.0 VDC2Q = 110 VDC3L = 1.2 kVDC
0L = 5.5 VDC2B = 125 VDC3B = 1.25 kVDC
0J = 6.3 VDC2C = 160 VDC3N = 1.5 kVDC
1A = 10 VDC2Z = 180 VDC3C = 1.6 kVDC
1C = 16 VDC2D = 200 VDC3D = 2 kVDC
1D = 20 VDC2P = 220 VDC3E = 2.5 kVDC
1E = 25 VDC2E = 250 VDC3F = 3 kVDC
1V = 35 VDC2F = 315 VDC3G = 4 kVDC
1G = 40 VDC2V = 350 VDC3H = 5 kVDC
1H = 50 VDC2G = 400 VDC3I = 6 kVDC
1J = 63 VDC2W = 450 VDC3J = 6.3 kVDC
1M = 70 VDC2J = 630 VDC3U = 7.5 kVDC
1U = 75 VDC2I = 650 VDC3K = 8 kVDC
1K = 80 VDC2K = 800 VDC4A = 10 kVDC
Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) – DC voltage code table

Table 2B – Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) – AC voltage code table

2Q = 125 VAC2T = 250 VAC2S = 275 VAC
2X = 280 VAC2F = 300 VACI0 = 305 VAC
L0 = 350 VAC2Y = 400 VACP0 = 440 VAC
Q0 = 450 VACV0 = 630 VAC 
Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) – AC voltage code table

Here is a list of common capacitors and a scale between the different grades of the Farad SI unit.

Table 3 – Capacitor code table

(mF, uF or mfd)
Capacitor code
1 pF0.001 nF0.000001 uF010
1.5 pF0.0015 nF0.0000015 uF1R5
2.2 pF0.0022 nF0.0000022 uF2R2
3.3 pF0.0033 nF0.0000033 uF3R3
3.9 pF0.0039 nF0.0000039 uF3R9
4.7 pF0.0047 nF0.0000047 uF4R7
5.6 pF0.0056 nF0.0000056 uF5R6
6.8 pF0.0068 nF0.0000068 uF6R8
8.2 pF0.0082 nF0.0000082 uF8R2
10 pF0.01 nF0.00001 uF100
15 pF0.015 nF0.000015 uF150
22 pF0.022 nF0.000022 uF220
33 pF0.033 nF0.000033 uF330
47 pF0.047 nF0.000047 uF470
56 pF0.056 nF0.000056 uF560
68 pF0.068 nF0.000068 uF680
82 pF0.082 nF0.000082 uF820
100 pF0.1 nF0.0001 uF101
120 pF0.12 nF0.00012 uF121
130 pF0.13 nF0.00013 uF131
150 pF0.15 nF0.00015 uF151
180 pF0.18 nF0.00018 uF181
220 pF0.22 nF0.00022 uF221
330 pF0.33 nF0.00033 uF331
470 pF0.47 nF0.00047 uF471
560 pF0.56 nF0.00056 uF561
680 pF0.68 nF0.00068 uF681
750 pF0.75 nF0.00075 uF751
820 pF0.82 nF0.00082 uF821
1000 pF1 / 1n / 1 nF0.001 uF102
1500 pF1.5 / 1n5 / 1.5 nF0.0015 uF152
2000 pF2 / 2n / 2 nF0.002 uF202
2200 pF2.2 / 2n2 / 2.2 nF0.0022 uF222
3300 pF3.3 / 3n3 / 3.3 nF0.0033 uF332
4700 pF4.7 / 4n7 / 4.7 nF0.0047 uF472
5000 pF5 / 5n / 5 nF0.005 uF502
5600 pF5.6 / 5n6 / 5.6 nF0.0056 uF562
6800 pF6.8 / 6n8 / 6.8 nF0.0068 uF682
10000 pF10 / 10n / 10 nF0.01 uF103
15000 pF15 / 15n / 15 nF0.015 uF153
22000 pF22 / 22n / 22 nF0.022 uF223
33000 pF33 / 33n / 33 nF0.033 uF333
47000 pF47 / 47n / 47 nF0.047 uF473
68000 pF68 / 68n / 68 nF0.068 uF683
100000 pF100 / 100n / 100 nF0.1 uF104
150000 pF150 / 150n / 150 nF0.15 uF154
200000 pF200 / 200n / 200 nF0.20 uF204
220000 pF220 / 220n / 220 nF0.22 uF224
330000 pF330 / 330n / 330nF0.33 uF334
470000 pF470 / 470n / 470nF0.47 uF474
680000 pF680 nF0.68 uF684
1000000 pF1000 nF1.0 uF105
1500000 pF1500 nF1.5 uF155
2000000 pF2000 nF2.0 uF205
2200000 pF2200 nF2.2 uF225
3300000 pF3300 nF3.3 uF335
4700000 pF4700 nF4.7 uF475
6800000 pF6800 nF6.8 uF685
10000000 pF10000 nF10 uF106
15000000 pF15000 nF15 uF156
20000000 pF20000 nF20 uF206
22000000 pF22000 nF22 uF226
33000000 pF33000 nF33 uF336
47000000 pF47000 nF47 uF476
68000000 pF68000 nF68 uF686
100000000 pF100000 nF100 uF107
330000000 pF330000 nF330 uF337
470000000 pF470000 nF470 uF477
680000000 pF680000 nF680 uF687
1000000000 pF1000000 nF1000 uF108
Capacitor code table

I hope you found all this information helpful. Please leave a comment with picture for help to identify a capacitor.

Published: November 5th 2009. Updated: December 27th 2020.

559 thoughts on “Capacitor Code Chart”

  1. Hey Usama

    2J could be related to the manufacturer of the capacitor, nothing that will influence of what properties it has. Tolerance means that the given capacitance can be +/- 5% of the given value.

    Kind regards

  2. thanks for the reply buddy,
    now i can’t find a replacement for that 2J472J capacitor, can i use a different one instead?? if yes, what is the safe range of value?? a seller told me that the 474J can be a replacement, I know he can’t be serious..
    thx again

    last question regarding this type of capacitors, is it polarized? and have negative and positive?? or its ok to install in any direction?? thanks buddy

  4. Hey Osama

    I am 99% sure that the capacitor you have is not polarized, polarized capacitors normally have other markings for the values and polarities are indicated.

    Kind regards

  5. I had a 474J capacitor go bad (it looks like it blew up) in a Sony audio system and ordered new ones from eBay but I received 474K instead. So the tolerance is 10% instead of 5%. Will they still work? Should I let the guy know he sent me wrong ones?

  6. Hey Dave

    It really depends where in the circuit the capacitor is used, if it was in the signal path of the audio signal, sound could be different. If it is used in a RC circuit the time constant of this could change. If it was used as decoupling over a IC it properly does not matter.

    Bottomline, I think you can change it without any problems, atleast you can always switch it off and install the correct ones if you find it acting up weird, the difference between 5% to 10% is afterall for a 474 only 20 nF.

    Kind regards

  7. Thanks for the reply. I have changed them (there were two of them) and it seems to work fine now, but then again I haven’t tested it very thoroughly to see if any of the things you mentioned could be happening. I think I’ll keep using it normally for now and if I don’t notice anything off when listening to it, then all the better.

    PS. The problem it was doing before I fixed it was that it turned on and worked just fine, but it shut off automatically after a couple of minutes. Also, some burning smell could be present sometimes. The unit is a sound system and a 5-disc DVD player that came with my TV. Also, I was mistaken before, it’s Samsung, not Sony. Maybe you can tell me more with this extra information?

  8. Hey D

    I have updated the charts with this new standard, was capacitors get smaller, the writing also have to change.

    Kind regards

  9. I’m trying to replace a capacitor. It’s shaped like a barrel, about a 1/2″ tall. On the top it has three lines:
    V FK

    Any idea what I should replace it with?

  10. Hey Kevin

    470 is the rating in uF
    V is the voltage rating, can only be decoded from the manufaturers datasheet.
    FK is the type of capacitor
    6J9K is the series lot number

    It sounds like a electrolytic capacitor with a capacitance of 470 uF and a 35 VDC rating. That is taken from this datasheet, so be aware that if you have a different manufacturer, it could be other ratings.

    Kind regards

  11. I found on a wiring schematic that a guitar needs a .047uf cap. Another site has all these different types of caps ranging from .00001 to 200. Whats the difference between all those and what would be the best one to use on a guitar? The capacitor is used for a tone knob on the guitar.

  12. Hey Rob

    I do not know much about guitars, but if the capacitor is part of a tone control it is likely to be part of a filter and you can then adjust that filter with the knob. Changing the capacitance to something else than the original will change the bandwidth of the tone knob, so it will work in a different spectrum.

    Kind regards

  13. it is a capacitor in fm transmitter pallet, i want to get your email address to sent you the pictures,i want to know much about it.

  14. Someone said before about first numeric + second character in poly-film-cap is “could be related to the manufacturer of the capacitor…”
    Recently seen in two caps – 2A102J & 2J102J ‘and’
    same again seen in two caps – 2A103J & 2E103J
    I think that’s is not related to manufacture/s coding system.. ‘and’
    it’s may be related to the ‘voltage’ – which is confusing..
    if some one knows better – please update

  15. Hello SS

    I have added a voltage rating table to the page. It is table 2 and gives the voltages according to the EIA standard.

    Kind regards

  16. Hello Sir,
    I have a couple of capacitors I can’t decode.
    First one is a Green looks like ceramic capacitor with the following:
    0z //the “0” on this line is more like a tradmark with stuff in the center of the “0” i cant make out
    The second one is a blue covered, looks like ceramic again, with silver paint on the top. This one has the following on it:

    //the “+” sign although it is next to the “1” is below a vertical white stripe which leads me to believe that sides pin is the positive pin and this is a polarized cap.

    Thanks for any help.

  17. Hey Andrew

    Pictures would help me more, but from your descriptions this is my best guess.

    The first is a 68nF capacitor, voltage rating is uncertain.

    The second sounds like a tantalum capacitor, which are polarized, 1uF and 35VDC rating.

    Kind regards

  18. Hey Andrew

    My answers remain the same, the second capacitor could be a polyester or polypropylene capacitor, if you need a similar, pick one with the same capacitance and a voltage rating higher than the supply voltage of the circuit.

    Kind regards

  19. Hi guys, I have a small (6mm diameter) blue disk capacitor blown on the o/p of an inverter circuit. The capacitor is blue and marked with a “5” above a “.” and then “3KV”. I’m guessing the 3KV is the voltage rating but any ideas on the value? Thanks Richard

  20. Hey Richard

    From the physical size, voltage rating and it being a ceramic disc capacitor, it could be given in pF as that is the case when just a 1 or 2 digit number is given, but 5 pF capacitor is very unlikely to have sitting across the output of an inverter. You are right about the 3kV being the voltage rating.

    Kind regards

  21. Yugal Kapoor

    Hey MADS,
    can i replace 474 j 100v capacitor with a 470 nk 100 v capacitor? i need it for my samsung 5.1 surround system. so, plz tell me if the latter one capacitor is a replacement of the 474 j 100 v…
    Reply asap…

  22. Hello Yugal Kapoor

    No, the first is a 0.47uF capacitor, if you look at the table above you will find that value at the 474 code. Code 470 is only 1/1000 of the capacitance.

    You have the voltage rating correct, but you need a capacitor of the same capacitance to be sure of getting the same performance out of your speaker system. It could properly be substituted by another value, but still similar, +/- some 0.1uF depending on where in the circuit it is placed.

    Kind regards

  23. Gaétan Haché

    I need a 470pF 500v capacitor (at least 500v).
    The surplus store sold me two capacitor — but I’m have doubt that I have the right ones.
    One shows

    68 J
    N 470

    and the other
    +/- 20%

    Both are disc caps about 5mm width,

    Do I have the right one ?

    Many thanks,
    Gaetan Hache

  24. Gaetan Hache

    470 is the code for 47pF, you need a code 471 for a 470pF capacitor. Disc capacitors are usually ceramic and for a 5 mm wide capacitor, 500V rating sounds reasonable, but do check manufacturers datasheet to be sure.

    Kind regards

  25. Hi Mads,
    I have a Saab motor fan capacitor with markings
    I understand only that it is a Metalized Polyester file capacitor, rated up to 100 volts. What are the other numbers telling me about it?
    Thank you,
    Longmont, CO

  26. chris weller

    can you tell me what is 0,033MK on a capacitor please is it the same as 0.33uf?

  27. Hey chris weller

    I would say it is a 0,033uF capacitor as it written on it, it is easier to tell from a picture of the capacitor in question. Even if you just find a similar picture on the internet.

    Kind regards

  28. Hi
    Can anyone help me identify a tiny non polarised blue bead capacitor with axial leads labelled
    A 10 4Z.

  29. hey guys i hav this brown n green capacitors r they same ?
    they r written like 2A or 1K2 or 2Q or 3B what that means then 2n3 what that means

  30. Hey Amadeus Mee

    Refering to table 2 in this article: 2A = 100VDC and 2Q = 110VDC voltage rating. 3B is properly above 1kV. I guess that 2n3 is 2.3nF

    Kind regards

  31. very very thank you mads but looks what i did is in CFL i changeg 1250 volt 472J with 2A472j (that should be 100V 472J ) but it still working why?will it blow soon by over he or will shorten life of the tuben alos i tried 2G273J (400v273J) but didnt worked yes 273 is 10 times higher but shouldnt it worked better with high capacity
    kindly waiting for ur experties oppinion

  32. Hey Amadeus

    The voltage rating could be so high, just to withstand the voltage spikes from the current switched by the transistor. It is not certain that manufacturers follow the marking standard, so you have to look at the datasheet from the manufacturer to be sure.

    If the capacitor is used as part of a frequency forming network, it has to be the exact same capacitance, else the circuit might not work as you found out with a larger capacitor.

    1K2 is voltage code for 1200VDC.

    Kind regards

  33. but above u mentioned 1K is 80 vDC how some one can say its 1200vdc or (80*1.2 )=96 VDC?
    as one of my friend arguing as 2A332J as 2ampire 332j where i told him according to ur table 2A=100VDC

  34. 1K = 80VDC is only according to the Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) – voltage code table standard. 1K2 is some bastard marking where the manufacturer uses the resistance markings for 1200 to write the voltage rating.

    I have not yet seen a small capacitor with current markings, you can almost sure that a capacitor is marked with voltage rating, tolerance and capacitance.

    As these examples show, there is not just one way to read the markings, there is many different ways and the only way to be sure is to find the manufacturers data sheet.

    Kind regards

  35. i think got every ans i need n yes yesterday whole night i hav been repairing my old compact fluorescent ballast (so called made in china – in my room only within 2 year i had to change 6 ,)so i decided to repair it any how n i repaired 3 of them
    very very thank you mads .. think got every ans i needed so far as it just my hobby i learnt every thing about electronics by my self since i was -7 yrs old n even i am a medical doctor now i couldnt quit my hobby … thank again u made my day

  36. what does 3n3J 1n5J 1n8J means also there Is something like 1n5/2J what does it means?

  37. can you tell me the output voltage n /current on 40w cfb/cfl tubes just some rough idea n how bad it will shock if accidently touched

  38. what metal is used in metallized polypropylene n what is that stuff comes out from it whicj looks like rubber or lead like stuff i hav sent u 3 questions hope u will send me some clear guidance thank you

  39. Hi Mads Barnkob,

    I am not very good on using the internet.

    I emailed you pictures of my Tiny Blue Capacitor labelled A 10 4Z, that you thought may be 100nF but needed a picture, AUG 16th. Did you recieve my photographs and my second e mail as I have not seen a reply since, sorry to trouble you, but I broke two of these and I need to replace them.
    Kind regards

  40. can we add 2 polyester cap in parallel to add-up its capacity ?

  41. Hey manata

    what does 3n3J 1n5J 1n8J means also there Is something like 1n5/2J what does it means? Look at the tables in this article and read the text, those corresponds to 3.3nF 5% tolerance and so on for the others.

    The output voltage from a 40W CFL driver is roughly around 900 to 1000 Volt at some high frequency, using Ohms laws that is around 40mA.

    Metallized polypropylene capacitors are likely to use aluminium or zinc for the metallization of the plastic film. The other stuff you find in a capacitor is then either plastic film, insulating substances or glue.

    Kind regards

  42. Hey Trevor

    I have not received any emails from you, write to me at “postmaster (at)” replace with a proper @ for a correct email address.

    Kind regards

  43. very very thank you so what if i use two diff capacitor like 2A182J+2A222J+2A332= 732J AM I RIGHT ?

  44. Hi manata

    When you add different capacitors in parallel, you can just add the capacitances together as you did. But be aware that current sharing will not be equal.

    With different voltage ratings, you will have to derate the total capacitor bank to the lowest voltage.

    Kind regards

  45. ok thank you once again ,
    i am so sorry if i am disturbing you agian but i hav one more question for u
    when i went to buy 1250volt 472J film capacitor they showed thre type one with green coat another brown one n next blue but the blue one is not rectangle as green n brown but blue one is round n loks completely diff are they all same can they replace each other i need that in compact fluo-ballast where they put to connect to terminal from the tube as starter can i put that blue one

  46. actually i thought that blue one is tantalum cap .. is tantalum cap is in blue or it comes in diff color

  47. ok thank you very much for ur help n i hav last question for u in radial style film cap what does 01M means in capacitor El-Gi-AT KT11 -01M 1KV
    2nd question is u know there is a capacitor used in compact fluo ballast at the end out put connecting 2 terminals of the tube what is the function of that cap n what is it called eg.shunt? or snubber ? orHIGH DVDT/PULSE?

  48. what is the general frequency in cfl ?are they same in all powers like 20W 30W 40W?and as current varies ,do voltage varies too according to the power

  49. Hey Amadeus

    I am guessing they are running at a fixed frequency with a simple oscillator and current output is determined by the pulse width of the driving signal. So only a few components needs to be changed between the different power versions.

    To find a formula for a given CFL circuit, you will have to reverse engineer it and do it yourself.

    Kind regards

  50. Hi,

    I found your website while looking for an answer to a question that I’m not having much luck with.

    I’m almost finished replacing some of the caps (and most other components) on some audio compressors and have a requirement for 22pf in the VCA circuit, the only ones I could find were 22pf 500v 5% silver mica’s on ebay which I bought and have now turned up. Will I have any problems using these in the circuit even though the voltage rating is much higher than the circuit calls for? (the unit uses a 9v ac input.)

    I’m told that as long as the voltage is higher on a capacitor it should be OK, but this is probably much higher, not that I can tell what the original ones were rated at.

    Thanks for any advice.

  51. Hey lo-fi

    There is no problems in using capacitors with a higher voltage rating, some other characteristics but just the capacitance can however make a difference in the sound in such audio equipment as you repair. dv/dt rating, esr, esl etc, not that I think you will notice a difference.

    Only problem with higher voltage rating is that the capacitors are physically larger.

    Kind regards

  52. Hey mamata

    Is there a dot or a . in front of 01M, else it does seem that it could be a 0.01uF capacitor.

    Which physical size and voltage rating does it have?

    Kind regards

  53. Hi, thanks for taking the time to respond once again,
    there is not any dot(.) so i am confused too,and the voltage rating is 1200v

  54. Hi mamata

    Unless it is a big capacitor, then the 1200v rating tells us that the capacitance can not be 1uF, so 0.01uF or 10nF as it is, sounds very reasonable for a some 20mm capacitor.

    Kind regards

  55. Hey Nosa

    You can replace with the 120uF, without much change in inrush current and with better smoothing capablitiy on your DC voltage. You risk that your voltage will sag with a capacitor that is almost half of the original, so avoid the 33uF.

    Kind regards

  56. This is a great page…. I need to ID 2 caps one marked 180nj & the other 100nk, both 100vdc. They go in some sort of industrial video display control.

  57. Hi Mads,

    do you have an idea what this capacitor could be?

    It’s about 5 Millimeters tall and has its origin in a heating control from an u.s. manufacturer.

    Thank you!

  58. Hey Mads Barnkob,

    Would you be kind to identify the component with black rectangle on it. It has 470nk400 written on it.

    Thanks in advance.

  59. Francisco Cardona

    which is the equivalent of the tantalum capacitor is to be 10 microfarad , what is your voltage ?

  60. Hello Francisco Cardona

    The 2nd line on the capacitor shows it is a 50VDC rating, the K with lines above and below is a ID tag related to the manufacturer.

    Kind regards

  61. mahlatse masanabo

    I am looking for a 33pf capacitor and I cnt seem to find it anywhere in my components and its polarized. Can you please kindly send me a picture of that. And I have like 104 capacitors which is like 100nF but here they used gold but I have blue. Is it find if I use the blue one?

  62. eileen brennan

    i have been to 2 electric component stores and no one seems to be able to identify these capacitors. the first ones markings are 473 J and an S with a circle around the S and then underneath that 630 and what I think is an asterisk and a P . the second capacitor is slightly smaller reads 223 J and as S with a circle, underneath it reads 630 asterisk P.they are both out of a sony trinitron tv brown in color a little less than an inch in length rectangular in shape. Any help would be so greatly appreciated, it’s my mother’s tv and she doesn’t want to part with it. Thank you

  63. Hi eileen brennan

    I think you are talking about this type of Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor. 473j 630 is a 47 nF 5% tolerance capacitor rated at 630V. 223J 630 is a 22 nF 5% tolerance capacitor rated at 630V.

    Kind regards

  64. eileen brennan

    Thank you so very much for your quick and informative reply. I have already ordered them online, thanks to you. It is sometimes easy to get discouraged when trying to learn something new but this website has explained a great deal to me in any easy to understand way and for that I thank you also! Things I would often throw out when they stopped working have been brought back to life with a little elbow grease and researching on the web. Just wanted to say thanks again.

  65. Hi

    Could you help me identifying these 3 capacitators?

    I think the second one is 120uF 50V, but not sure.
    Can you tell what parametres these 3 components have?
    Or where can I find it out.

    Thanks in advance.

  66. Hey Noob

    The first is a 1.8 uF 410V electrolytic capacitor, black mark is the negative terminal.
    The second is a 120 uF 50V electrolytic capacitor, black mark is the negative terminal.
    The third is a 1 uF 400V electrolytic capacitor, black mark is the negative terminal.

    Kind regards

  67. i hav few capacitors from CFL which is connected parallel to the polyster capacitor 2n2K,AND VALUE WRITTIN AS HL PR1 in one and SP MZ6 in another ,, the capacitors as i think ..both are round in shape and light green coloreed and surface is rough not smooth like that of other none electrolite caps can u give me some info

  68. after while i got the pic from net as the Thermistor so plz tell me what is it what are the fxns and its role in CFL and the values like HL PR1 , SP MZ6( these are found in 20W CFL bout in one CFL its HL PR1 and another has SP MZ6 so i am confused abt its value
    waiting ur reply ..thank u for ur kind info

  69. Hey Mamata

    A PTC thermistor is used for current limiting or temperature limiting. As the SP MZ6 heats up, its resistance rises and thus no significant current can flow in the circuit.

    It is used as a protection against run-away CFL circuits.

    Kind regards

  70. thank you but i couldnt find any site about guide of the lables on Thermistor can u give me some idea on that

  71. Hi Mads, i stumbled onto your site and i hope you can help me. I have two blown Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors (At least i think they are) with markings on that says 250v~×2 0.47uf +- 10℅ the code is mev473. The board comes out of an old aim microwave situated directly after the main power inlet. Can i replace these capacitors with anything else? I dont have access to parts now, but would like to know the posible alternatives when i do. Thank you in advance. Jay-De strydom.

  72. Hi Mads

    Thanx a million for the info, i really appreciate it!

    Kind regards
    Jay-De Strydom

  73. Hi mate
    Could you please help me with a capacitor, its used in a cars airbag circuit. The capacitor reads “470nJ63” its a EVOX cmk, approximately 10mm squared 5mm width, yellow in colour. Done some research, could be polycarbonate, not sure. Any help would very appreciated, thank you

  74. Hey Lexo Foyde

    Just from the text on it it is quite clear that it is a 0.47 uF and 63 Volt capacitor, you can replace it with a PP/MKP/FKP (polypropylene) capacitor, you do not have to find a polycarbonate.

    Kind regards

  75. Hi, sorry to be another person with zero knowledge, having a hard time finding a replacement polyester(?) capacitor from a TV.

    Has on it –

    105 k 500
    P472 MPP

    From what I’ve read it may be a .47uf with a metalliszed polypropylene film, guessing the last digits are a part# but what’s 105k and 500?
    Thank you for any information you may able to share.


  76. Hey Bar

    I would think that the first line give us the capacitance, tolerance and voltage rating. So I would guess this is a metallized polypropylene 1 uF capacitor with a tolerance of 10% (K) and 500 Volt rating.

    Kind regards

  77. i have a surface mounted transistor coded cy334 used on a Samsung premium hi-fi audio system.i cant find one like it and i cant find the equivalent.can you help sir

  78. Hey Daniel

    CY334 is likely just the location number on the circuit board, you have to look at the text written on the component.

    Kind regards

  79. what value capacitor can i use instead of two 47pf 1kv capacitors in parallel.

  80. Hey Jamrock

    Paralleling capacitors double the capacitance, it corresponds to a 98pF 1kV capacitor, a 0,1nF would properly be fine too. They could however be in parallel for a higher current rating, you have to take that into account too.

    Kind regards

  81. Hi Mads,
    I want to replace the tantalum capacitor shown in the picture attached and I’m looking for an equivalent one. If I’m not mistaken, the capacity is 4,7μF and the voltage is 50 Vdc. What I haven’t figured out is the 3rd line of marking. What does the number 315 mean? Is it crucial for the capacitor’s performance? Thanks.

  82. Hey Kostas

    You are right about 475 being 4,7 uF rated at 50VDC.

    +315 tells us that the leg in this side is the positive terminal and 315 is the print week code, shorted PWC and is written like this YWW (Year 1-digit/Week 2-digits), so 315 is week 15 in 2003.

    Kind regards

  83. Curtis Mount

    I need a cd263 capacitor for a welding machine. I would like a price an how long to receive it.thank you very much.

  84. Hi
    Its Noob again. This time I have a difficult one.

    Marking on it is:

  85. Hey noob

    It is a 0.6 uF film capacitor with 5% tolerance, guessing from the physical size and capacitance it is properly not rated for more than 50VDC.

    Kind regards

  86. Francisco genao

    Good afternoon,

    Im trying to find out what is this . I have a backplane that have like 50 of this i dont capacitors or filter . I would like to know what is this and where i can buy it on line?

    Thank you very much,


  87. Here is a great cheap little tester on e bay it will test any components you can think of

  88. Hi Mads, this is out of a windshield wiper motor from my vehicle.Is this a tantalum +/- 10% capacitor?

  89. I have two capacitors I removed from a 1935 Rickenbacker amp. I need help finding a replacement part for them. Can I get help with new part # and a vendor to purchase from?

    Little Americans Dry electrolytic Cap. 8.8 @ 450V

    No Vendor on second part. Numbers are 20500 SCR 6647-18

    Any help is appreciated.


  90. Hey Steve

    I think it is a ceramic capacitor, I got no idea about the value of it. When current passes through one of the coils it is the slow setting and when it passes through capacitor and coil in series it is the fast wiper setting. So there is properly some timing change with different capacitances.

    Kind regards

  91. Hey Donald

    In old amplifiers they used capacitor that was generally too small to smooth the high voltage properly, since they were expensive or just not invented yet.

    Replace the first with a 22 uF / 500VDC capacitor, f.ex. this

    You could also go higher up in capacitance, but properly not more than 50 uF, you would risk to blow up the rectifiers.

    I got no idea about the second, maybe some pictures would help.

    Kind regards

  92. Mads, Thanks for the info. I’ll send pics of the other part tonight. Question: is this the best part to install? I am looking for optimun performance out of the amp.


  93. Mads,your guess is as good as mine it came out of the LanRover it was assembled in Hungry. I tried to look up European symbols on capacitors and had no luck thanks though.Steve

  94. Hey Donald

    I do not believe in “audio” grade capacitors, I build my stuff with regular parts and do not spend thousand of dollars for special good sounding capacitors that need to burn in for 500 hours first, in my world that is just bullshit.

    Careful engineering and measurements will guide you to the optimum performance.

    Kind regards

  95. Hi Donald Husar

    That looks like an old oil and paper capacitor and a quick guess would be its 2 uF and 500 VDC, I would however like to know where in the circuit it is used to be sure about the rating.

    Kind regards

  96. Hi, I’m working on something that needs replacement but im having difficult time finding the exact component. what can you recommend as replacement to 223J2KV capacitor?

  97. Pedro R Morales


    I have a defective microwave oven’s high voltage capacitor rated as 2100vac, 0.70uF. Can I replace it with one with the same voltage rating but 1.05uF capacitance? Do you think this increase in capacitance could be dangerous in terms of shifting a little too much the design specs of the microwave oven?

    The defective cap got shorted out, I think maybe a higher capacitance will make it easier for the cap to handle the power requirements of the magnetron. I have tried to get the right cap in terms of capacitance but it has been impossible.

    Thanks a lot in advance for your reply.


  98. Hey Pedro

    The capacitor is only used for a voltage doubler, so there is no difference in operation of the microwave oven with a 1.05 uF compared to a 0.9 uF.

    The resonant frequency of the microwaves are determined by the magnetron cavity and construction.

    Kind regards

  99. Pedro R Morales


    your answer releases me of my worries about altering the design too far and, at the same time, I was expecting it since more capacitance implies more current capability due to larger cap plates. The previous cap, as I wrote you, got shorted out, so I expect the 1.05uF cap I have to make a better job.

    Thanks a lot, really appreciated!!!


  100. Hi

    I’m trying to find a replacement capacitor.I’ve found some that has all the same writing on, 0.047uf 160 but at the bottom it says wima fky instead of fkc. I think my amplifier was made early in the 60’s so very hard to find out anything apart from that it’s a film and foil construction. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks I can’t upload a photo even though it’s under 2mb?

  101. Mads,

    I have capacitor which is 3,15 uf in a value. i don’t have an idea what is the value for it. can you please help me for the exact value?


  102. Hey Eds

    Could you upload a picture of the capacitor? I am not completely sure what you are asking about, voltage rating? You already know the capacitance is 3,15 uF.

    Kind regards

  103. I have a capacitor out of subwoofer marked:
    What does that mean? Is it a .039u capacitor with a 5% tolerance?

  104. Hi Seth

    I would also say that it is a 0.039 uF 5% tolerance with a voltage rating of 100VDC. To be sure I would like to see a picture of it 🙂

    Kind regards

  105. Hi guys, im a little confused…
    So, i have these two caps, Mylar and Ceramic, they both have a marking of 104,
    Are their values the same?

  106. Dear Sir,

    Please let me know how will we calculate the exact value of film capacitor of SMPS led drivers.
    I am designing led driver with sharp IC need to know how will calculate the film capacitor value for high accuracy in my drivers.

    Amit Dua

  107. Hi Amit Dua

    I can only advice you to read how to design the circuit around the IC from the datasheet. You give me too little information to give any real advice.

    Kind regards

  108. Pingback: how to read metal film capacitor codes | mdlvcollective

  109. DEAR SIR,




  110. Hi Mads,

    Can you help me understand this code? this is a 2002 Pontiac control unit and it not working because of that capacitor with code 4.19G
    Thanks for your help

  111. Hi Sharif

    I am not completely sure what it is, but from what I can find it might be a 4.19 MHz crystal, try to see how it is connected to the IC close by and find the datasheet for that IC to see what the purpose of the component are.

    Kind regards

  112. Hi there. A lamp of mine stopped working and I narrowed it down to this capacitor where power goes in, but does not come out. Can you help me identify it so I can buy a replacement? Thank you!

  113. Hi Ric

    It is a 47 nF 250VAC MKT capacitor. If you replace it you should use one with a higher voltage rating, since the old one failed it does not hurt to upgrade the design a bit.

    A capacitor does not quite work as power goes in and out of the other end, are you sure this component is even at fault? How did you measure / determine that it was bad?

    Kind regards

  114. Hi Mads. Thanks for that info. I used a multi-meter with the power connected and the dimmable lamp switch all the way up, to check all components. No power goes past this capacitor. (please see attached image) I found these on eBay. Will they work? I know you said to get one with a higher voltage rating, but I already purchased them. I can purchase more if you really think it will help. Thanks again!

  115. Hi Ric

    A regular multimeter is only made for measuring frequencies to up around 1 kHz or even as low as 400 Hz. A light bulb operates at a high frequency into maybe 100’s of kHz and you are not able to get a reading at these frequencies with your multimeter that are useful for fault finding on a switch mode power supply circuit.

    Kind regards

  116. Hello,
    What is the difference between CBB22 630V 0.1uF and CBB22 400V 0.47uF Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors. Can I use a CBB22 630V 0.1uF instead of CBB22 400V 0.47uF, because the other is not available. It is for the replacement of a damaged LED flood light circuit capacitor.

  117. Hi George

    You can always use a capacitor with a higher voltage rating, but not always one with a lower voltage rating, as the capacitors breaks down from excessive voltage.

    It depends on the role of the capacitor in the circuit if it is possible to use another capacitance. From what I can find from LED circuits, it should have a value around 0.33 uF to 0.47 uF, as it forms a part of the current limiting network to protect the LEDs, so I suggest you find a higher value than 0.1uF.

    Kind regards

  118. Greetings Mr. Barnkob,
    I am replacing a compromised capacitor on my computer motherboard. I have included a photo of another identical one that is on the same motherboard. My question is about the value of the capacitor. From my understanding I interpret the value codes as being 16 volts and 270 picofarads (pF). My local expert tells me that it is 270 microfarads (uF).
    Thank you very much for your time.

  119. Hi Again,
    I forgot to mention that the physical dimensions of the capacitor are 8mm diameter and 12mm long.

  120. Hi Mr Barnkob,

    Can you please help me idetify the voltage value of these caps and where can i find reference to identify them

  121. Hi Jeffry

    SMD components can be a real pain to identify alone from the markings, as they often invent their own new scales using old codes. You need to either measure them or see where in the circuit they are located and if the value on them would make sense in regard to the old capacitor codes.

    It seems to me that manufacturers no longer publish schematics and now even fewer components have full markings, it might be a steps towards ending the new wave of home repairs of electronics.

    Kind regards

  122. I was looking up some caps and seen this page.
    Kudos to Mads for his quick answers to the worlds questions on capacitors.

    Good job!

  123. HI There nice helpful post… Can anyone confirm what this is?
    I am thinking / hoping a 39 pF Tantalum Capacitor but definitely not sure… It is off the logic board of a Mac Mini where all capacitors seems to be rated at 16V.

    Thanks in advance!

  124. Hi Nick

    If you are sure its tantalum, I doubt very much it is 39 pF, that capacitor technology is not for small capacitances. What I have seen on SMD markings is that they tend to be in uF, so this is properly a 39 uF / 16 V capacitor, also judged from the large size of it.

    Kind regards

  125. Hi Mads,
    legend – thanks a lot for the reply… Yeah I guess you are right about the size of it so probably 39 uF… I am not sure that it’s tantalum – I just thought that these were the only ones in this shape and style… It seems very light and not metallic… So any way to check / know if it’s tantulum? Cheers again for chiming in 😉

  126. I have a capacitor which is marked as: D473K2A

    what is the capacitance of this capacitor.
    Do these codes hold good in ASIA as well or not?


    Hi. My soundbar couldn’t be switched on. In many forums it was said to replace the capacitor. It reads 223j 400v. But I could not find similar capacitor here. What I get here is 224K 400v and .0022/k 630V. Which one to try

  128. I’m having trouble with finding out what the marking 68K on a capacitor means. If you could tell me that would be so awesome. A photo is attached

  129. Hi David

    Your picture is missing, but a first guess would be that it is a 68 pF with 10% tolerance. I would be able to tell more precise from seeing its physical dimensions.

    Kind regards

  130. Melvin Nazario

    hi mads,
    just want to ask if is there a replacement for a 225k-250v film coated capacitor, but not a film coated capacitor? and or does a running capacitor can be use as a replacement. thank you in advance.

  131. Hi
    Its Noob again. Could you help me out again? Small orange capacitator!
    Is it possible to figure out size too?

  132. Hi Melvin Nazario

    You should replace a 225K/250V, which is a 2.2 uF capacitor, with the same type. Use a MKP or MKT capacitor, is it by any chance a X1, X2, Y1 or Y2 marked capacitor in a input filter?

    Kind regards

  133. I have a schematic that calls for 3 capacitors but I’m not sure what it’s saying.
    100M/25V electrolytic capacitor ?
    .01M 50V disc capacitor ?
    .47M/25V electrolytic capacitor ?

    Any ideas? This is all the information I have.

  134. Hi Jamie

    The notation seems to be capacitance, tolerance and voltage rating.

    The only capacitance range that makes sense would be uF, due to the first 100M would be a extremely large capacitor if it was 100 mF and a ceramic disc of 10 uF (0.01mF) is unusual.

    So to answer your question, the three capacitors are:

    100 uF / 25 VDC electrolytic capacitor
    10 nF / 50 V ceramic capacitor
    0.47 uF / 25 VDC electrolytic capacitor

    Kind regards

  135. I need assistance please…
    I have an InFocus projector where the light stopped working (it is out of warranty)

    After I opened the unit I see that 1 of the 3 Box type double sided metallized polypropylene film capacitor’s was broken and not making a connection.. I could not get it to solder on to the small stud left on the bottom.. so I need a replacement

    Pictures show the info.. This is on the circuit board that the light plugs into..
    This is what I think it is etc..
    GD (Brand) MMKP84
    Box type double sided metallized polypropylene film capacitor
    222=Capacitance (22×100 =2200pF & =2.2nF & =0.0022uF)
    J=Capacitance Tolerance (+-5%)
    700=Rated Voltage

    Any help where I can get 1 of these??
    Thanks in advance

  136. Thanks Mads Barnkob for the reply…

    I think this is the actual spec sheet etc for this item:

    I wish I could find the exact one somewhere…

    I call the Manufacture of the projector (InFocus) they told me that their authorized repair company might be able to sell me the part (the are Mendtronix) but when I called them they told me that InFocus does not allow them to sell their proprietary pats!

    I searched on E-bay like you suggested, but I am not sure on the Voltage, as these specs say 700V AC, also on the actual size dimensions..

    The one you suggested do you think it matches the spec sheet close enough?? +-5% compared to +-10%? plus it is 1600VDC not AC??

    Again, any suggestions anyone has, or if anyone knows where to get this exact item I would be indebted to you…



  137. Hi Jason

    700 VAC means that +700 going to -700, as it is alternating current. A MKP capacitor of a DC voltage rating above that span is just as good, just add some more voltage overhead, maybe get a 2000 VDC rated or even higher.

    Almost all MKP film capacitors are with the same performance to equal sizes, do not worry too much about getting a original, that just sounds expensive 🙂

    From the pictures you can see that it is 3 capacitors sitting in series from the transformer to the output of the 2 grey wires, so it is basically a 3×700 AC rated and 2.2nF/3 capacitor bank. So I would not worry about 5% or 10%. If you do, just buy 10 and match them with LCR meter.

    Kind regards

  138. Hi Mads,

    I have a capacitor with 1K2 marking on it? Would you know its value? Any help is appreciated.

    Thank you!

  139. Hi Ravs

    It does have the form of a silver mica capacitor, but not any of the old marking codes from those times.

    Maybe it it a inductor or some coupled component like LR or LC. You will have to solder this one out and measure it to be sure.

    Kind regards

  140. Hi,

    Trying to find if this is a ceramic capacitor, photo is taken from the inside of the controls cabinet of a 1960’s machine tool known as a horizontal boring machine. We had a problem where the a mains cable to the DC Motor wore through the sheaving and arced up. The machine does still work but the DC motor wont turn on however the motor is fine, just looks like the signal from the stop/start button isn’t telling the contactor to pull in or out. The only thing we can see blown are these things in the photo so that’s what the best place to start. We don’t know what they are except look like ceramic capacitors and a Google search has lead me here.

    Can anybody help us????

    Many thanks.

  141. Hendrik Nentjes

    Hi there!

    Could you help me with the following caps?
    I can’t figure out how to get the right values with your tables..
    They come from an amplifier and are 6,5 and 8 mm in diameter.

    Thanks in advance!!

  142. Hi Joe

    I do not think those are capacitors. They might be old disc style power resistors. 150 Ohm at 4 Watt, try to desolder one of the good and see if it measures 150 Ohm with a multimeter.

    Kind regards

  143. Hi Hendrik Nentjes

    These are SMD electrolytic capacitors. Both are 47 uF in capacitance. The small one is rated at 6 VDC and the large one 35 VDC.

    Kind regards

  144. Steve Teodecki

    I’m trying to understand what voltage this radial type capacitor is. The top row reads 8019P and the second row reads 100L.
    I’m guessing it’s a 10pf capacitance based on the 100. Is L a rating between K=10% and M=20%? My real question is the voltage. There is no 1K or other code before the capacitance code. What does the 8019P mean?

  145. Hi Steve Teodecki

    I would need to see a picture of it. I do however doubt that a capacitor that fits so much writing would only be a 10 pF, as that is really small. The numbers does however not ring a bell.

    Kind regards

  146. Well I just measured the voltage with more accurate equipment and it was over 1kV on this component so my previous guess I must be wrong. Is this even a capacitor?

  147. Hi Szop

    I would guess that it is a capacitor, 15 nF and 630 V, now the question remains is it rated for AC or DC voltage, if it is 630 VAC, 1 kVDC is not impossible. But what about your measuring meter? Are you measuring peak AC, RMS AC or DC?

    Kind regards

  148. I Have an old NV1 Diamond Edge 3D Graphics card from 1995 and its got some blown Caps.
    they read as follows
    I’m not exactly sure what the 5N and the 10 would stand for, my guess is that 10 is the uf?

  149. Hi Andrew

    If it is a electrolytic capacitor, aluminium can with black markings/text. Then I think you are right, that it is a 10 uF / 16 V capacitor. I attached a similar to what I think you mean.

    Kind regards

  150. Hello -I am trying to verify all info on this cap to locate a replacement. It is used in a 110VAC motor starting application and is in parallel with the stop button. It is starting a small induction motor directly. The motor also has a cap in parallel with the motor. This was installed on a group of industrial machines that were built around 1979.

    My guess is that it is a .01 uF with +/- 20% tolerance. My thoughts are its rated at 1000VDC (but I do not fully understand why DC rating is used in an AC circuit). The E marking I am unsure about.

    What would be the 2 inside the circle at the top? Is that a manufacture logo?

    Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.

  151. Hi Randy

    Did you forget to upload the picture?

    It could sound like you have a start capacitor and a run capacitor.

    Roughly you can say that DC rated capacitors, if they are film or foil types, can be used in AC circuits if the peak to peak AC voltage is within the DC rating. Datasheets normally state a AC rating for DC rated capacitors.

    Kind regards

  152. Hi i m in search of what kind of cap is this. Seems a ceramic disc but then no clue about voltage and Farads. Can you help me eith it? It is btw the output leads of a ac/dc transformer in parallel with a small bulb. The board belongs to a Bose 901 IV series equalizer. Thanks in advance

  153. Hi, we are manufacturer of LED lamp of 3 to 7w 220vac. In this process we use a capacitor CBB22, 125J 400V. But this capacitor get blast on 220vac supply.
    Please suggest me, how can resolve this fault. If need to change capacitor,how mu h rating will be suitable.

  154. Hi Prakash

    I do not do electronic design for free for manufacturers, it sounds like there is something seriously wrong in your circuit or design for this to happen.

    Kind regards

  155. Hi mot

    It depends what application the capacitor is used in. You have a 2.2 uF capacitor there now and wants to replace it with a 0.47 uF capacitor, with only 25% of the original capacitance this could affect how your circuit works.

    Kind regards

  156. I am currently working on my rechargeable LED lamp. The unit is not charging and i found out that one of its capacitors(CBB22 225J 400V) blown out. However, i cannot find same capacitor in the market. The only available replacement is 474J 400V, will it work?

  157. Hi mot

    Is it a part of the mains input filtering circuit? It will properly work with 474J, but noise filtering might be less than its original design.

    Kind regards

  158. Thank’s mads for your help.! The replacement capacitor seems fine and the unit is finally working. Greatly appreciated.

  159. 2J102j capociter remove and 2j472j capociter fixed . This is normal r equal value ?
    please give me best ideas. Thank u.

  160. Hi Omkumar

    You replaced a 1 nF capacitor with a 4.7 nF capacitor, depending on the type of circuit this could have disrupted timing circuits. If it was just some kind of decoupling in a power supply rail, it will work just fine.

    Kind regards

  161. I have a capacitor out of an automotive Ignition Module that’s failed… I’m looking for it to repair the module. It’s numbered as follows.. 103J630/N1SV41.. first number above the second… no color stripes.. it’s orange coated… symbols on the board is of a fixed cap.

    Can someone please help me locate one? Thank you, Nick. (614) 209-6425

  162. Hi everybody.
    Need help. Someone could explain this code CTU272K printed on capacitor.
    (I guess 272k means 2700pf tolerance 10%) but CTU ?

  163. Hi najib

    I think that CTU is just the model number of the manufacturer. There seems to be some Russian made capacitors that uses this model-numbering with CTU in front.

    Kind regards

  164. Can anybody tell me the equivalent capacitor of 4.7nf 250v?
    please do the needful at the earliest.

    thanking you.

  165. Hi sabil

    That would still be 4.7 nF and 250V rating, you can get these values in different types of capacitors, depending on which application you need to use it in.

    Kind regards

  166. What does 18L stand for in a 18L/683 (0.068) metal film capacitor and what is A1 in a 271/A1J (270 pF) ceramic capacitor?

  167. I FIND IT DIFFICULT TO GET 22nf 600v capacitor in my local market ,what is the replacement pleases .I need help

  168. Hi Gbenga

    You can use any capacitor, of same type material, that is 22 nF but with a voltage rating of 600 V or higher, that might make it easier for you to find one, maybe rated for 1000 or 2000 V.

    Kind regards

  169. Hi Vamsi

    K is 10% capacitance tolerance and J is is 5% tolerance. The J rated capacitor is guaranteed to be closer to the given capacitance value.

    Kind regards

  170. Hi Mads, Its Noob again.
    Back in ”June 22, 2015 at 01:14” post, you helped me out with one capacitator.
    Finally I found some time to replace the part, but and used a WIMA 0.68uF 63V cap, to replace the old one. The new one blew up instantly. Then I replaced with WIMA 0.68uF 275V, and the unit turned on perfectly.
    Thanks for your help.
    But the problem is tricky. Original capacitators size was 15 x 15 x 5mm. And there is no place to instal a bigger capacitator.
    The thing is that I cant find any 0.68uF 275V capacitator to fit the place.
    All are bigger.
    Should I use capacitator with smaller capacitance?(those should be smaller in size)

    Or maybe just keep on looking, till I find what I need. (Still a lot manufacturers to browse through)

  171. Hello please help i can understand this mkt capacitor sympols can any body explains it ?

  172. Hi Noob

    Could you extend the leads of the capacitor and place it somewhere else in the circuit? It sounds like you tried with one with too low voltage rating, which is why it blew up. Unless the circuit around the capacitor delivers a too high voltage for the original design.

    Kind regards

  173. Hi Basem

    It is a MKT, metallized polyester foil, type capacitor with a capacitance of 30 nF (5% tolerance, its the letter J) and voltage rating of 250 V.

    Kind regards

  174. Hi. My cApastor label as 47nj 630.. i can’t find a capasitor label as 47nj 630.. what is the best replacement value for my capasitor… thanks

  175. Hi Aries

    If the capacitor is a part of a RC timing circuit, you need to find one with the same capacitance, but the voltage rating indicates that this is not the case. You could try to use a 33nF, 47nF or 56nF capacitor instead, with a voltage rating of 630V or higher, maybe you have better luck finding one at 1000V rating.

    Kind regards

  176. Sir mads.. it is connected from ground through the collector of horizontal output transistor of colored TV..

  177. Hi Aries

    I would advice you to use a capacitor with a higher voltage rating than the original, but with the same capacitance, else you might risk changing the scanning characteristics of the line output transformer that is supplied by the high voltage transistor.

    Kind regards

  178. Very useful table thank you so much. This was easily the best information I could find on the internet and it has helped me understand how to find the right capacitors for building a synthesiser (so far so good – at least partly working!). The different electronic parts suppliers using NF or UF or PF interchangeably seemed impenetrable. You have made me realise it is easily understandable (usually!).

    Wishing you all the best for 2017.

  179. Hi Ben

    Thank you and I am glas that I could help you learn and move on the electronics hobby. Do you have anything online to show about your synthesiser?

    Kind regards

  180. Hello,

    I have two capacitors that need to be replaced on a motherboard. I’m new to the realm of capacitors and soldering so I’m not sure how to seek out replacement capacitors.

    I’ve attached a pic of the capacitors I’m looking to replace. They have a 5N 10 16v on the top of each. I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction on how to search for a suitable replacement as my search for 5N 10 16v capacitors hasn’t lead me to anything I feel is a match.

    Thanks for your time.

  181. Hi Michael

    Those are SMD electrolytic capacitors, as the soldering pads are quite large, you could solder in a regular through-hole capacitor instead, if you can not source the right ones.

    They are 10 uF / 10 V electrolytic capacitors and that is what you should replace them with.

    Kind regards

  182. Thank you Mads for your reply.

    Just for my own future reference, could you tell me how I’m supposed to interpret the letters/numbers on these capacitors?

    In looking at them saying 5n / 10/ 16v on the capacitor, I’d assume it’d be 10uF / 16 V and not the 10 uF / 10 V you recommended.

    Thanks for your time once again.

  183. Hi Michael

    You are absolutely right, I did of cause mean to write 16 V. Sorry for that.

    To learn how to read the capacitors, you just have to see a lot of them, check out their datasheet from the manufacturer and then at some point you can easily read the different marking systems. One of the problems with SMD components is the lack of a marking standard, but most will always have capacitance and voltage rating + a manufacturer code or series number. Then just rule out what could be what. 5N is not really related to anything, 10 alone as a number is known from film capacitors where you just write the capacitance in uF in a plain number and if a number ends with V, its usually the voltage rating.

    Kind regards

  184. Freeborn Umukoro

    I find your post very helpful, I hail you. But my problem is to download it so that I can reference to it at my convenience.

  185. Hi Freeborn Umukoro

    Just beneath the article, before the comments begin, the 2nd icon from the left is for printing the article. If you only print the first 3 pages you should have all the essential information on paper or PDF.

    Kind regards

  186. José Vallejo

    Can you explain me about this nomenclature for this capacitor CY1K2 332J?. The only I understand that is a capacitor with value 3.3 nF with tolerance 5%, but I do not find explication to the CY1K2. Please, if you can make me free about this doubt. Thank you.

  187. Hi José Vallejo

    It is either just a manufacturer name/capacitor product type name etc. The “Y1” could be that it is a capacitor rated for mains to ground decoupling. These are called safety certified capacitors, if you want to find more about this subject.

    Kind regards

  188. Mauricio Torres

    Hey I have this capacitor that reads, Z100 on the top line and 224j on the bottom. Now i think ive come to the conclusion that this is a .22uF 5% capacitor but, im not sure of the voltage. Does the Z100 mean 100 volts? What does the Z stand for? Would really appreciate the help!! Attaching photo.

  189. Hi, I think i have a bad capacitor in my humidifier and i think it is this one. It has M 473J NP 200Vs0705 written on it. Can you please tell me how to test if its bad? Also if it is bad what can i replace it with? When i search the internet all i can find is 473J capacitors for guitars and they look slightly smaller and orange in color.(see pic)

  190. Hi Marco

    You need a digital multimeter than can measure capacitance, if it does not measure 0.047 uF or 47 nF within 5% tolerance (J stands for that) it is most likely broken. You could also use a LCR meter to do a better and more thorough analysis of the capacitor.

    You can look for many kinds of metallized film capacitors with a rating of 0.047 uF or 47 nF at 200 V rating, with these search terms you should be able to find one. The smaller orange capacitors are most likely due to newer materials and thinner films, with same breakdown voltage properties as the old ones, but makes them able to make smaller components.

    Kind regards

  191. Hi Mads, Thanx for the speedy response. I have a digital multimeter but i dont know the setting for checking capacitance, i did try to find the setting on the internet and dont think my meter can measure capacitance(see pic), will try to get my hands on one that can.
    From what i gather you are saying that these smaller 473J 200v capacitors being sold as guitar capacitors are the same as the one i need only more compact. Is this one in the pic below a good replacement?(0.047uF @ 200V GUITAR TONE CAPACITOR ORANGE DROP 715P SPRAGUE – SBE)
    Do appreciate your help.

  192. andrew birchmore

    Hi I have a TV and this capacitor has blown could you please point me in the right direction for what I need and where I could get 1

  193. Hi Mads, It turned out to be a faulty resistor, my humidifier is fixed. Thanx for your help.

  194. Hi Marco

    Good that you found the error. The capacitor you found would make a good replacement, just be vary about cheap capacitors being resold for music/amplifiers often have a much higher price tag than their worth. It is better to buy from real electronics dealers.

    Your multimeter can not measure capacitance.

    Kind regards

  195. Hi andrew birchmore

    You need exactly what it says on the capacitor, a “100nF 275VAC MKP X2” capacitor, the important part here is the X2 rating, it is a safety capacitor that it made specifically for being installed between phase and neutral in a noise input filter. Read more here:

    Kind regards

  196. hi,
    it is amazing that this thread is ~3 years old !

    I have an LG monitor and it has 4 capacitors
    I could not make the symbols at the start, tried several code calculators and read so many references with codes and still cant make it.

    especially the one the looks like 6 36MJ 33 100V (probably 100V 33uF but the rest)
    Also what is the manufacturer of this, could you explain ?

    many thanks 🙂

  197. Hi gsmd2

    The first comments are from 2010, so it is actually more like 7 years 🙂

    It is alsmost impossible to tell the manufacturer of these SMD electrolytic capacitors. The only thing you have is the first line which is the production code.

    Second line is the value in uF, so here you have 33 uF, 100 uF and 68 uF.

    Third line is the voltage rating and tolerance (if there is a letter), so you have 100V, 16V and 35V capacitors and J and K are the tolerance ratings, this could f.ex. be 5% and 10%

    Kind regards

  198. Hi Richard Pedersen

    C7 is a 0.01 uF(or 10 nF) / 50Vceramic capacitor. C8 is a timing capacitor sitting together with the crystal at the left, this is a 30 pF ceramic capacitor.

    Kind regards

  199. HI Mads Barnkob

    I have a cap as per picture can you identify it’s 470pF or 47pF? thank you.

  200. Pratul Karmokar

    Hi Mads!

    I have 2 metallized polyester film capacitors with markings
    1. CL21 335K 250V
    2. CL21 225K 250V
    As far as i can make out of it they are both 250V, what do the others stand for?


  201. Hi Pratul

    CL21 is the manufacturers model marking, 225K is 225 for 2.2 uF, as you can read in the table at the top of this page. K is 10% capacitance tolerance. 335 is 3.3 uF. You are correct about the 250V rating.

    Kind regards

  202. Hi Renan Bandojo Endat

    I am not too sure if you wrote something wrong or what kind of capacitor you have in mind. Could you please show a picture of the 3105J capacitor?

    Kind regards

  203. Michele Mccucent

    Please how can you explain to me T1,T2 and T3 in the circuit with only two (2) legs or paths and what really is it


  204. Hi Michele Mccucent

    You can not use a 100VDC rated capacitor when your input voltage is 320VDC, use the 400VDC rated as already meant for the ciruit.

    T1, T2 and T3 is each their winding on the same transformer, the dotted line indicates the iron core/ferrite core or the transformer. It seems like T3 is a feedback winding and T1/T2 is the primary/secondary windings. This is my best guess from the limited information about that circuit.

    Kind regards

  205. Good afternoon mads

    Can i replace a capacitor 50v 15000uf to 63volts 15000uf

  206. Hi Czar

    Yes, that would be a good replacement, a little higher voltage rating than the failed one you are changing often means that it will last longer as it will be less stressed from operating close to its voltage rating, that is really what kills the most capacitors, too high voltage in a too hot environment.

    Kind regards

  207. Can i replace 47uf 3kv capacitor with other capacitor?
    Any suggestion which uf is equal with 47uf?

  208. Hey Zack

    In a high voltage power supply is even more vital to not overload the power supply that this capacitor is a part of, I do not recommend that you exchange it with any other value than 47 uF.

    Kind regards

  209. I have a power unit for a pool cleaner. The motor was stuck so i freed it up. input to the unit is 110 ac output is 48 dc. Got the motor going off a power supply only up to 40v dc. motor ran at only .6 amps max. Power unit says it is for 2.2 amps. I thought i would jump power unit to motor to see it run at a full 48v. Unit did nothing but flash when whole unit was complete before. As i jumped it the motor was working but smoke started to come out of power unit. what i believe i did was have a strand of wire short across both pins of motor. motor works fine on a power supply. Opened up unit and found a burnt polyester cap with # 333J on top and 630F under it any help what this is? Thanks Bob

  210. Hey Bob

    That is a 0.033 uF (or 33 nF) 630V capacitor, if you can see any X1, X2 or Y markings on it, be sure to use a new capacitor with the same ratings.

    Kind regards

  211. Dear Mads !

    could you please tell me what is the voltage and value of a capacitor with 224k ?
    see picture for details.. please explain about the replacement also. which kind of a capacitor could i use instead ?

  212. Hi Jordan

    It is a 220 nF polyester capacitor and if it has no voltage rating printed on it, I would assume its 50V, also from the surrounding 35V electrolytic capacitors.

    Kind regards

  213. hello can you please tell me what the voltage is for these two? I am a bit confused. Why are the dots there?
    thank you in advance.

  214. Hi Tunde

    That is a 0.15 uF vs a 0.22 uF capacitor, unless it is sitting as a part of a timing circuit, I do not see any problem with a slightly lower capacitance. If it is a filter, the filtering frequencies can change and more noise might be a result.
    If it is a safety capacitor like a X1, X2 or Y1, its important to only replace that with another safety rated capacitor.

    Kind regards

  215. Dear Kind Mads,

    Could you help me identify this capacitor. I already go to electronic parts store, but the staff could not identify the value. I already bought the replacement twice, which is not compatible. Perhaps because i bought the wrong values. I already test it with ESR meter but detected as broken. The cap marked is

    Thank you
    Lukman Efendi

  216. Hi Lukman

    Which replacement values did you try? How did you know that it did not work? There could be other defects in the circuit that has nothing to do with the capacitor.

    I would guess on 0.25 nF / 250 pF, not just from the N used a delimiter, but also its physical size and voltage rating.

    Kind regards

  217. The 1st bought marked 221. Based on your table, that is a 0,22 nF (please correct me if i’m wrong). And the 2nd bought marked 10K and size bigger than the 1st, i assume that would be 10000pF=10nF. For the 10nF, wouldn’t that be lot way to high to replace a 0,25nF. But both replacement size smaller than the real one, aka 0,25nF. And both was choosen by the staff of the circuit parts store. Thank you for your help and reply, Mads. I really really appreciate it.

    Best regards
    Lukman Efendi

  218. Well its a small board, i litterally soldered out every parts and test it one by one. It used to power up a scanner’s TL Lamp from a HP printer scanner. It wont turn on, but some times after turn it on and off several times, it can work again. But now it just wont. Strangely when turning off, i can see a quarter part of the lamp is being light up just a glimpse though. Printer service center says they had to replace whole board, since its already discontinued for the support and parts, so they cant repair it and wont take it in. But i already fall in love with this printer, it has many history with me. So i’ll keep it even it will take as many time for me to repair it.

  219. So it seems to be the output capacitor of a small high voltage power supply, the 3 kV rating is vital due to the voltage there, but a rather wide range of low capacitance capacitors should work there, you might even need higher capacitance for it to maintain the high voltage when the lamp is connected as load, it sure sounds like the voltage is not stable enough to keep it lit.

    A funny thing is the name of the manufacturer of that little power supply, “Boom power”!

    Kind regards

  220. Am Developing Interest On This Transformerles Power Supply My Quastion Is, This VDC Value Represented By Ie’2J’ Is It The Load Voltage Or? And How Can I Determine The Zenor Diode Code For Voltage Used?

  221. Hi Michael

    The voltage rating of a capacitor is the absolute maximum rating, you should always keep a head room for voltage swings, transients and unforeseen events. If you always keep a 20% head room you will also expand the expected life time of your capacitor.

    For zener diodes, look in the datasheet from the manufacturer to find the code for the voltage you need.

    Kind regards

  222. I am trying to replace a .47 MFD capacitor at 250wv, and have found a color coded capacitor, with the color bands being: 1 yellow, 2 violet, 3 yellow, 4 white, and 5 red a little space further apart from the rest. Is this the correct replacement to the .47 MFD at 250 wv, capicator. Thank you Eric mootz

  223. I have a capacitor marked as ” 1000 µ-M ” 25 Volt. I’m assuming it’s a standard 1000 uf 25 volt electrolytic cap, but it’s bigger than the newer caps of the same value I have here.

  224. Hi RL

    You are right, that it is a 1000 uF, 25 VDC capacitor, M is for 20% tolerance.

    New capacitors made with newer/better materials are just smaller than what it was just 10 years ago. Especially new materials with a higher dialectic constant helped making them smaller for the same voltage rating.

    Kind regards

  225. Hola Bill.
    Tengo un condensador marcado con : M474K1025 y debajo 550 MFF.
    Mi duda es de que voltaje es, y por cual puedo sustituirlo.
    Te envio una imagen.

    Un abrazo.

  226. Hi guys, I have a surfase mounted capacitor like this.

    It’s mounted on the TV power supply board.
    Any idea what I should replace it with?

  227. Hi Demian

    It is a 0.047 nF capacitor, but the voltage code 2N is not a official EIA voltage code. So it could be somewhere between 100 VDC and 1000 VDC. You have to check some other component markings that sits around it as the part of the same circuit and see what their voltage rating is to find a proper one.

    But given the low capacitance, it could be 1000 VDC rated. Or even higher if it part of the high voltage supply for the back light. But EIC code says that voltage ratings above 1000 VDC starts with 3 and not 2.

    Kind regards

  228. Hello
    I have a capacitor marked with: M474K1025 and below 550 MFF.
    My question is what voltage is, and why I can replace it.
    I send you a pic.

    Thank you.

  229. Hi Jose Vazquez

    You need a Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor (MKP) with a capacitances of 0.47 uF and I guess that the voltage rating is 550V, so since it blew up maybe pick one with a higher voltage specification.

    You can also look at other components around the capacitor to get a better understanding of what voltage it might be rated for.

    Kind regards

  230. Hello MADs,
    I m trying to copy an amplifying board. I got stuck with these three polyester capacitor.
    So, i need your help to check whether i m correctly reading the value of capacitor or not. please let me know.
    1. m250 47nJ means 250V 47 nF 5% tolerance
    2. CY3A 221J means 1000VDC 220pF
    3. 224J 100ME means 220uF 100VDC
    Also. can u check Capacitor “1” is m250 470j or m250 47nJ . which one ?

    Thanks a lot.

  231. Hi Niraj

    1. You got them all right, the 47n is for 47 nF, J is the tolerance.
    2. I don’t think its 1000 VDC rated, just the small size and distance between legs tells me it must be in the range of the others, like 100-250V.
    3. This is 224 = 0.22 uF ~ 220 nF

    Kind regards

  232. Very essential capacitance values help for beginers .if you can show codes like 105j 335j 822j125j and values of that is great help,How ever millions thanks.ZOYSA.

  233. Sup! I have a capacitor reading MIAL 4700j
    It’s silver, cylindrical shaped… about 7mm large and 3mm thick…
    Am looking for a .047uf, do I have the correct cap?

  234. Very good information, I have a question. A metallized film capacitor code is CBB22 474j 400v. What is exact meaning of these name. Please Reply

  235. Hi Aman bharti

    CBB22 is the manufacturers name for the capacitor series, it is a 0.47 uF capacitance with 5% tolerance and a 400V maximum voltage rating.

    Kind regards

  236. Hi please, can someone help me find something to replace this 470nj Cap
    a UK supplier would be good as in a rush, it says 470nJ on the cap is this a code or does it mean the same as 0.47uF? presume 63v is the voltage rating.

  237. Hi Tony

    Farnell, RS Components or Mouser can deliver from day to day. But it will cost you.

    You are right, it is 470 nF / 0.47 uF at 63V

    Kind regards

  238. Kamil Metze

    I need to replace a capacitor but the marking confuse me… please help out? 🙂

    Markings: 1J MEF 400

  239. prince da_je

    In my lg tv d bosta capacitor(450v1000uf) is faulty n is hard 2 get so what capacitor can use in replacin it

  240. Hi Prince da je

    A electrolytic capaitor with ratings of 450V and 1000 uF should not be hard to get, but generally you can replace it with any 1000-1500 uF capacitor with a voltage rating higher than 450V.

    Kind regards

  241. Muzammil Khatri

    Dear Sir,

    Please advise the Uf value of the attached capacitor.

    Best Regards,


  242. Venkata R Reddy

    Hi guys,
    I am using an AC capacitor of 100 uF, 250 V, 50 Hz. When I am using the capacitor in RC series and parallel, the following are the shape of the currents. My aim is to connect RLC in parallel with the resonant circuit.

  243. Muzammil Khatri

    Hi Mads,

    Thank you for your kind update. My fluke multimeter is reading only 1.45uF when I measure this 106k capacitor. Will get it replaced with 10Uf. Your support is highly appreciated!

    Best Regards,


  244. I am looking for a 106mic 500 volt orange capppy. It looks like it was filled with alluminium. Looking at you code I think it is 2H 106M.
    Is this correct and where can I find one in Australia. Thank.

  245. Please could you tell me what type of capacitor this is and if replacing both would sort out my ceiling fan humming and low speed issue? There appear to be 2 of these yellow type capacitors but I don’t know what type they are to try and source replacements. The one is: 2.0μF 400VAC -25-70°C and the one behind it is 1.5μF 400VAC -25-70°C – are these polypropylene film capacitors by any chance?

  246. Hi Giles

    Yes, these are most likely polypropylene film capacitors, but whether they are MKP or MKT is hard to say.

    Is the fan a 3 phase type using capacitors for emulation of the 3rd phase, when supplied with hot and neutral? I would think that the fan itself has failed due to wear, dirt in ball bearings, dried out lube or damaged windings in the motor.

    Kind regards

  247. Hello Mads, [1970s] motorcycle ignition box,ac voltage operation from a genorater,range unsure, bike is 12v Kawasaki.
    Circuit board has 5x638B, 1x12DC, 1X135B, also 2x resistors I know the value off.
    No visible + or – marks although the ID marks on three face one way and four of them face the other way.They are dark green dics about 12mmx5mm.
    Can you ID these for me please. Regards Merrill.

  248. Hi Merrill Burton

    I looked at a few motorcycle rectifier/regulator schematics and I do not think there is capacitors present. It might be TVS to suppress too high transients from the generator?

    If it is capacitors with diodes, they could be used as a voltage doubler/trippler.

    Please attach a picture for more precise advise.

    Kind regards

  249. Etienne Lessard

    Hi Mads! 🙂
    First thank for your article it’s very useful!
    I have a question regarding a capacitor that blowup and it seen to not use standard code;

    PPS 800

    The capacitor is from a power supply running on the 240v

  250. Hi Etienne Lessard

    Thank you 🙂

    That is a metallized film capacitor, most likely a MKT or MKP type.

    I guess its 0.1 uF at 800VDC rating, which corresponds to each size.

    Kind regards

  251. Hello
    I need a cap for a model engine ignition circuit. 0.8 to 1uF – 400V or greater I am very limited for space. Can you advice what the smallest physical sized cap is available in that range.

  252. Hi Tony

    As it is such a high voltage, the high density capacity technologies as Tantalum is out of the question. If you can do with polarized capacitor use a electrolytic capacitor else use a MKP/Polypropylene capacitor.

    Kind regards

  253. Hi Mads
    i have MEX/TENTA MKP 0.1uf K X2 275v when testing with multimeter it says 33 nf can i replace it with MEX/GPF 0.1uf X2 275v when test this with multimeter it says 100 nf, i dont know if both r the same or not, thanks.

  254. Hi Joe

    It sounds like your original capacitor is damaged, so changing it to a healthy capacitor with the same specifications from the markings is the correct thing to do.

    Kind regards

  255. hello Mads Barkob,

    I am trying to restore an old Monochrome Ferguson 8430 tv. I have found a Blown
    capacitor with a small hole blown in the very top of the case.
    The Capacitor is labelled
    LCR 3300 JY
    I can not find anything like it for a replacement.
    Can you offer me any help please.

  256. Hi Trevor

    Your best bet is to find a identical in the TV set and measure it. To me it looks like a old first generation tantalum capacitor and then I would guess its rated for 3.3uF.

    Since it is already burned, have you tried to smash it open just to be sure its not a inductor? Maybe its a 3300uH inductor.

    JY is a tolerance and voltage code, unfortunately not a standard one and I would only guess for it to be lower than 100 VDC, so if you use a new component at that or greater you should be covered in.

    Kind regards

  257. Hi Mads,
    Thank you very much for your help, I shall open it up and see what’s inside, it had not occurred to me that it might be an inductor, I might get it x rayed first.
    On the circuit board of the Ferguson 3840 ( not 8340 ) as I first told you, the Tantalums are all marked on the board with the Polarity but this type are marked with a circle and a short line to the other lead, I suppose this maybe a strange way of marking the neg lead, but as all the Tants are all marked with a (+) it seems a bit strange.
    Unfortunately I do not have a Schematic and I am in the process of trying to draw one.

    Thank you very much for your valued help, I will let you know of my findings.
    Kind Regards

  258. please help me identify the capacitor its written 68 2kv blue colour ceramic disc

  259. hello sir please suggest anyother replacement capacitor for 68pf 2kv because i cant find one in market only 1kv or 3kv is available which one would be better?

  260. Hi, I think I have to replace this one.
    PHS 233J 1000v

    Should be 22nF, right?

    But what is the PHS for?

    Can’t find this one as a spare part. Only other ones with 22nF /1000v
    But I am not sure if the PHS is important.

  261. Hi Soenke

    PHS is just the manufacturers product code, do not worry about that, as long as you get the capacitance, tolerance and voltage correct, according to 233j 1000V, you are fine 🙂

    Kind regards

  262. Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to determine the voltage rating of this capacitor as I see no markings anywhere. This is from a busted multimeter.

  263. Hi AJ

    As it sits in the input section of your multimeter, I would look at the maximum DC rating that the meter is designed for and choose a new ceramic 224J capacitor with a voltage rating higher than that, most likely a 1000VDC.

    Kind regards

  264. Hello Mads,
    I have a dark green radial lead polyester cap labeled 3M472J.
    I know this should be 4700 pf (472) and +-5%(J) and it measures 4690 pf.
    Question is “What is the 3M voltage rating?
    Your table only goes up to 3A for 1000 volt.
    So 3M would be?
    Joe NA7MT

  265. Hi Joe

    It is hard to tell, you have to look up the manufacturers datasheets to see their non-standard naming, which you are unlikely to find.

    Best bet is to compare the distance between legs with a similar 472 capacitor and see if that voltage rating corresponds with the circuit it was sitting in.

    Kind regards

  266. Is it ok to use 3.3 nf or 4.7 nf instead of 3.9 nf the circuit was asking for? It’s for a diy distortion pedal. Thanks a lot!

  267. Hi Jay

    By changing the value of a small value capacitor in something like a distortion pedal, then you will get another sound of out it than intended. A lower value will give you a higher frequency distortion/noise/harmonics and a higher capacitance value a lower.

    Kind regards

  268. Hello, I have an inverter that has what I’m guessing are snubber capacitors(?) marked “P631503J SE 65” sitting atop an IGBT mitsubishi cm300dy-12h. I measure 50.2nF which seems to correspond to the 503, and J +-5%

    Any idea what voltage and type? I’m trying to find out a suitable replacement, but not much knowledge on this.

    thank you

  269. Hi KT

    Snubber capacitors usually have a voltage rating higher than the expected voltage transients on the DC bus. Your CM300DY-12H is a 600V device, properly used at 320VDC so a 600V rating on the snubber capacitor seems minimum. You can also go with a 1200V or 2000V capacitor as they are also common. 50 nF seems a little low for a snubber capacitor, but as it is a original and older design, just go with the same value again. Find a MKP type capacitor.

    Kind regards

  270. am i right?
    0E = 2,5V
    0G = 4V
    0J = 6,3V
    1A = 10V
    1C = 16V
    1D = 20V
    1E = 25V
    1V = 35V
    1G = 40V
    1H = 50V
    1J = 63V
    1K = 80V
    2A = 100V
    2C = 160V
    2K = 180V
    2D = 200V
    2E = 250V
    2F = 315V
    2V = 350V
    2J = 385V
    26 = 400V
    2P = 415V
    2X = 420V
    2W = 450V
    2H = 500V
    2Y = 550V
    2Z = 575V
    2S = 600V
    J2 = 630V

    i was searching for 0E (missing in your table) and found the information at:

  271. Hi Mads, just wondering if you can help?
    I have a 15mm disk capacitor E 103Z AC250v 46 that is fitted to an on/off switch on a Pioneer stereo receiver. Now although I know from the charts what spec it is, I can’t find any info anywhere as to what the E and 46 stand for. Any ideas ?
    Thank you

  272. Hi Ade

    E could be a manufacturer product model or something similar. 46 could be some kind of manufacturing batch number or week number. Usually dates are written with year and week number, but again, it depends on the manufacturer. If they only want to track production 1 year back, just writing the week number is good enough for them.

    Kind regards

  273. Hi, I wanted 22j 400v capasiter for power supply circuit 230vA/C to 5v D/C convert. Seller gave me 225K 400v one. Are thease equal or not?
    Is 220nf equal for 225k ?

  274. Hi SUMITH

    I expect a 22j to be a 22 nF 5% capacitor, a relatively small component, also written as 223. A 225 is a 2.2 uF which at 400V would be a 37.5 mm wide component or more.

    Kind regards

  275. Mads,
    That’s what I thought but wasn’t sure enough to commit to. Here’s one more from my dad’s stash that I can’t find a decoder for. It only says 600M.1 in case it’s too dark to make it out.
    Thanks again,

  276. Can you please give me the equivalent or value of the following capacitors.
    CBB31 205J 350V
    CBB 31 305J 350V

  277. Hey mads i have a 682 100v flim capacitor that i can’t get anywhere, i wil like to ask what equivalent flim capacitor can i use for replacement?

    Thanks in advance

  278. Cameron Stanford

    I’ve got a good one:


    It’s one of the tiny electrolytic caps

  279. Alexandre Dias

    I’ve been repairing CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps) and had to replace the capacitors (failed by short-circuit) between the two tube filaments of each lamp. Here you can see schematics to understand which capacitor I’m talking about: (the tube filaments are usually identified as LMP1 and LMP2).

    The capacitors are long (“vertical” in relation to the PCB holes, not “horizontal”) and flat, the color seems to be dark green/very dark brown/black (not sure… maybe they get darker from heating during use). From my research, it seems they are ‘polyester film’ capacitors.

    The capacitors I replaced in the two CFLs had this identification:

    N1K0 (not sure if the last character is zero or letter O)

    I understand that both capacitors are 3.3nF 5% tolerance (letter J), so I replaced both capacitors with 3.3nF 1.2kV capacitors of the same type and also being used in CFL ballasts with the same function (capacitors between filaments) — the goal was to get working CFL lamps by using only salvaged parts instead of buying new ones.

    My issues are:
    i) Would the lower voltage rating for capacitor 1 replacement be an issue? I ran the lamp for at least 30min-1h and it seems to be working fine (maybe the higher rating is only to better withstand lamp startup transients?). The lamp is a PHILIPS Tornado Esaver 23W.

    ii) What is the voltage rating of capacitor 2? I can’t understand from the inscription, but the lamp also seems to be working fine after capacitor replacement. The lamp is a PHILIPS Genie 18W.


  280. Hola,
    This site seems civilized friendly and informative….and I know enough to be almost dangerous…but hope you can help me…..

    My question is if there is a pre-determined value (Volts) that a capacitor will charge to ?

    The circumstance;
    I have a no-go garden shredder which was working fine but stopped, so doing forensic analysis.
    It has a Kai Lu cbb60 capacitor (as per accompanying pic., and is 2″ dia. x 98mm long), that pumps up to the stated 45.5µF (using a Amprobe meter), but after reading a couple of ‘how-to discharge…’ , I’m wondering to what voltage I should expect it to ‘charge to’, or is that irrelevant ?

    It ‘pumps up’ to ~3.38V within a few seconds, and loses most of it in about 90 seconds (to ~0.10V then slows down), is this normal or should it hold longer?
    Question for self-help is, can one pre-determine this value…?

    I hope that’s enough information,
    Thanks in advance, duTch

  281. Hi duTch

    That is a motor-run capacitor and those are prone to failure in that application. It it most likely damaged and needs to changed to a new.

    If you want to test its leakage, you can charge it to f.ex. 320VDC (rectified mains) and look at the current consumption once its charged up. But ramp up the voltage slowly with a variac if possible, it might let out some smoke if charged to that high voltage and is defective.

    You could also use a resistor to form a RC time constant, then you can calculate the time for it to charge up and discharge itself. If it is even slightly faster than the calculated time to discharge, it is likely damaged.

    Kind regards

  282. ** I wrote this the other day and forgot I held off sending it, pending further comment -sorry

    Hiya Mads, Thanks for that…..I kinda understand, though it’s double-dutch to me ˚~˚, and is probably beyond my current (puns convenient but not intended) capabilities…when I was taking the Cap out after another startup attempt, I must’ve shorted the contacts with the screwdriver that I was using to prise the connectors, and it gave a bit of a crack/bang….so I assume it was charged even though was a while between ‘non-startup’ and bang.

    After my earlier post I also realised that the ~3.5V in my earlier test was maybe governed by the battery voltage of the multi-meter that I used to pump it up, though I’d think that’s 9V (?) sooo…um…I’m starting to think the motor may have frazzled itself…there’s nothing else involved that I can see…..

    What is f.ex? I did a search but found nothing so figure it may be ‘forward-extereme’ or something (obviously clutching at straws)….

    I know I probably should leave it to someone who knows better but can’t contain myself….

    Cheers for now, duTch

  283. bonjour je voudrais remplacer 2 condensateur de 100 nf dans un circuit loudness pour augmenter un peu les basses lequels je devrais choisir merci d’avance

  284. Hi Niro

    For filters in speakers, use MKP type capacitors. Capacitance needed for your cutoff frequency has to be calculated, plenty of speaker filter calculators can be found on other websites.

    Kind regards

  285. I have a capacitor which is marked 1.70MKP
    This is 470nF film capacitor . I don’t know what is the 1.70 means
    Could you help ?

  286. Hi,
    I have a bad capacitor in my ps3 power supply marked as H474K1128 450 MFTD.
    Could you please help me in decoding it’s value?

  287. Hi Darps

    “474K” is the value and tolerance, 0.47 uF 10% tolerance.
    “450” is most likely the voltage, 450VDC.

    Kind regards

  288. Hello, can you tell me what this little blue fellow is? It is from an Hifi-Phono stage and reads 15nK100. Thanks, Mirko

  289. Hi Mads,
    thank you for the quick response! Thumbs up for this website.
    Best regards, Mirko

  290. Hi mads
    Its Noob again. Could you help me out again? Small orange capacitator 220 ncc
    Is it possible to figure out size too?

  291. Greetings All,
    New here so, I hope I do not mess up somehow!…I have a Bose audio amp in a 12vdc vehicle that has a blown capacitor.

    1)…What is written is 47nK 63 , and the cap looks rather “square-ish”

    2)…I have been told by one source that the “47n” is the same as 0.47uF and the “K” is the tolerance rating of 10% with the voltage of 63volts

    2)…I have been told by another source that it is a ” 0.047uF 63V MET Mylar Radial Capacitor 443″.
    3)…*Both sources cannot be correct*. Can you/anyone assist me in verifying the correct type, capacitance rating, and voltage?


  292. Hi Paul

    47n is 47nF which is 0.047uF. 63VDC rated and K tolerance.

    You can replace it with almost any kind of metallized film capacitor of the same rating. MKT (mylar) or MKP should be good choices.

    Kind regards

  293. Mads,
    THANKS FOR THE REPLY!…..I screwed up a bit…sorry for my typo error!

    **The value on component is 470nK 63 .

    I should have had more coffee before I posted my question – SORRY!…..Can you “re-adjust your replied details please?

  294. Hi Paul

    470n is 470nF which is 0.47uF. 63VDC rated and K tolerance.

    You can replace it with almost any kind of metallized film capacitor of the same rating. MKT (mylar) or MKP should be good choices.

    Kind regards

  295. Greetings Mads (+ All),

    Can you/anyone tell me what type of capacitors these are?….

    I somehow missed them when re-working my 12vdc Bose car audio amp in which I thought they were just “heavy wires” connecting the power and audio inputs from Bose cassette radio (1988 car) to amp…..

    1)…Since these capacitors couple the audio and power to the board, could the AUDIO cap(s) be bypassed momentarily to check if replacing it/them would solve the distortion problem?…

    2)…Since I have distortion in that channel only (4-speaker system – 2 front 2 rear, and it is not the radio since it has been swapped out with another known working Bose radio), this would be my last troubleshooting checkpoint before I give up on this amp.

    Thanks again for any assistance.

  296. There appears to be no way to edit a post I made
    With that said – **Please disregard the above post where I inquire as to type of caps displayed in the 2 picts**.

  297. I am not having any luck finding a replacement for this capacitor in the picture.
    only markings are 3 lines:
    10UF +/- 5%
    It is for a bench grinder I acquired that I am attempting to refurbish. Any direction on a suitable replacement would be greatly appreciated!


  298. That’s great! Thanks! But, what type of capacitor is this?
    FKC = metal foil and polycarbonate
    FKP = metal foil and polypropylene
    MKC = metallized polycarbonate foil
    MKI = metallized polyphenylene sulphide
    MKP = metallized polypropylene
    MKS = polystyrene (metallized or with foil)
    MKT = metallized polyester foil


  299. Buonasera,
    Volevo chiedere, gentilmente, se qualcuno sa di che condensatore si tratta.

  300. Hello. First of all, thank you for all this valuable information explained excellent and simple so that people with no knowledge about electronics would understand easily.
    I have this capacitor code (code line 1) = MPE 685K 2E / (line 2= 4 05 03060 S), which i am trying to identify.
    According to your information this would be a metal film polyester capacitor (MPE) , rated at 250 VDC (code 2E) and at 680,000 pF (or 6,8 uF) at 10% tolerance (code 685K). Is this correct ?
    Thank you in advance for your answer.

  301. Hi EVAN

    If it has the size to look like a 6.8uF 250VDC capacitor, then I would agree on your code reading. I am guessing it would be 3-5 centimeters in length, depending on width and height.

    Kind regards

  302. Dear Mads,
    Thank you so much for your immediate reply. The capacitor is 23 mm wide and approx. 9mm thick, as shown in the photo, and it is on an YSUS board in a plasma TV. So, what do you think? Did i read the code correctly, acc. to your tables?
    Thanks again.
    Kind Regards,

  303. any idea please;
    SMD Electrolytic

    7V or 7U

    BU or CU


    somehow i guess the capacitance value but not sure with the working voltage..

  304. Hi Macky

    Electrolytic SMD capacitor are very manufacturer specific in their naming. There is a few different standards, so it is best to find the right datasheet from the manufacturer.

    Some are written first line = capacitance, second line is a single letter(+number) for voltage. Some times they are also written on the same line.

    e 2.5
    G 4
    J 6.3
    A 10
    C 16
    D 20
    E 25
    V 35
    H 50

    Kind regards

  305. I searched for a LONG time and only found this page that explains mylar capacitors, and I’m amazed by the fact you’re still replying to comments and questions 9 years later. Great work, and thank you.

  306. Hi Shafin

    Thank you. I actually just updated the article with some more information and corrected a few errors. I am happy that you found it useful!

    Kind regards

  307. Hi there, this article (and the comments) is a great piece of work! I’ve got a blown capacitor in the power supply of one of our pieces of lab equipment and am having a devil of a time figuring out what to replace it with. I’m a definite amateur and any help would be greatly appreciated. I’ve attached photos of the capacitor in question. Thanks!

  308. Hello Mads,
    Thankyou for this excellent resource and your time.
    Can you you help with the values of the cap in the pic?

  309. Hi Gary

    The first one is a 68 uF Tantalum capacitor, voltage rating is a little unsure, but properly around 15V if its a decoupling for the IC next to it.

    The second one is a metallized film 10 nF capacitor, voltage rating low when compared to the size of it next to an IC.

    Kind regards

  310. Thanks so much for your help. The 68uF connects the output of 1 gate to the input of another gate on a 4001 quad Nor.

  311. Hello, I have a blue rectangle capacitor. On the top it reads M101609451 523 then u22 K 400 SN. the size is 25mm long x 10 mm high x 5.5 wide. I don’t see how it can be a 22uf 400 volt as those are much larger. The mfg symbol looks like a pyramid made up of lines. Any ideas, thank you so much

  312. Please how can I determine the polarity of the following capacitors?
    1. Radial Electrolytic capacitors.
    2. Aluminum Electrolytic capacitors.
    3. SMD Electrolytic capacitors.
    4. Thru-hole Film capacitors.
    5. Foil Film capacitors.
    6. SMD Film capacitors.

  313. Hi Bob

    Electrolytic capacitors are marked with a -, minus or line near the leg that is the negative polarity.

    Film capacitors does not have polarity, but there is a difference on which leg the outer most layer is connected and in audio applications that can give you noise issues if the polarity is “wrong”, I wrote more about these tests in the article about building my 50W tube amplifier:

    Kind regards

  314. Hi Mads,
    Please forgive me if I have entered this question in the wrong place.

    I have a failed Capacitor on an ASTEC AC 9231 Switch Mode PSU from early 80s..It had not been switched on for 30 Years. When I tried it with no load connected to the Outputs this Capacitor exploded. Please can you tell me anything about it, and what would be a suitable replacement. I have attached a picture.
    Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.

    Very Kind Regards

  315. No question, just a “thank you” for keeping this page going for so long. I recently ordered an electronics kit online and it arrived – literally a plastic bag full of components and a circuit diagram. A bunch of various capacitors with all kinds of numbering schemes. Without this page I would have no idea which were which. Thank you!

  316. Hi Trevor

    Replace it with MKP X2 safety capacitors with the same capacitance and voltage rating.

    Hi Pete: Glad it helped you 🙂

    Kind regards

  317. Bill Edwards

    I have a new device someone gifted me, and the mfg is out of business. upon inspection, it seems tome to be a power unit for an electric fence, however, it has no insulators, and basically, looks nothing like a power supply for an electric fence.
    Inside, I have eight 3A102K capacitors, set up in what seems to be a a voltage multiplier. I am writing seeking someone who could check my math here, 3A is 1KV, 103a “2 “= 100pf. 10*100 is 1000 p.f? , 1 NF, .001 UF, times eight.
    So what I am seeing here, is a voltage multiplier, running thru diodes, totaling 8kv, 1 NF.
    does that sound right?

  318. Hi Bill Edwards

    102 is 1 nF, depending on the voltage multiplier configuration, it is not the same as just adding them. Capacitors put in series will have their total capacitance, if they are all the same type, divided by the number of capacitors. So 8x 1nF in series = 0.125 nF

    Kind regards

  319. I have a blown capacitor in a speaker crossover. My best guess is that it’s an metalized polyester film (MKT) axial capacitor with a capacitance of 2uF, 10% tolerance, and 250VAC. Is that correct? If so, I’m having difficulty finding a replacement. Can I substitute an MKP (metalized polypropylene) and/or 2.2uF and/or a 5% tolerance and/or a higher voltage? Picture attached.

  320. Hi i have 2 Polyester capacitor with below names:

    (Colors of them is red)

    What is the Voltage of this capacitors??????

    i found them over ADSL Splitter Board.

  321. Hi Andy

    You can always use a higher voltage rating, it will just be physically larger. A change in capacitance will change the cross-over frequency of your filter.

    Hi Faezeh

    2G = 400 VDC

    Kind regards

  322. Great work!! I’m trying to identify I believe is a Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor only marked with: U.
    Thank you greatly for any assistance, your AWESOME!!!

  323. I am having trouble understanding the code printed on the capacitor shown in the attached photo. I presume the capicitor is a metalized polyester film capacitor? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  324. Hi Jim

    You are right about the material type of the “orange drops”. Code 105 = 1 uF, L30 voltage code is not a standard code, but from the physically size and large capacitance, this is most likely a low voltage capacitor. Might even be 30V just written in plain “text”.

    Kind regards

  325. hello Mads

    this is possibly the most informative website i have worked with in many years…thank you.

    My question is-
    I am looking for a replacement for a Cornell Dubilier Capacitor
    it is part # KNN2-1200R-HC

    I cannot find a supplier nor a suitable manufacturer to reverse engineer it as they cannot find a spec sheet for it.

    I cannot decipher the details and am a little lost.

    any help would be appreciated.

    Boise Rail

  326. Hi Clive

    Thank you for the kind words 🙂

    Could you please upload a picture of the capacitor in question? I could not locate any naming conventions from CDE that uses KNN2 or a rating of 1200R. So its all guessing that KNN is the type and material code and 1200R is the capacitance or voltage rating with R as tolerance.

    Kind regards

  327. hello Mads

    it is used on a diesel locomotive generator.
    we have this info-

    2.0 MFD
    1500 VAC Ac
    casing is aluminum oval shape about 5 inch long and 4inches high



  328. Hi Clive

    That is an unusual high voltage rating for a motor run capacitor. Is it used for power factor correction?

    I think you can replace this with any other kind of power film capacitor with 2uF/1500VAC rating and a current capability of similar sized capacitors.

    Kind regards

  329. Mads, thanks for your time repliying to all of us much appreciated.

    I have a strange capacitor… because first of all has two numbers “56” and then a number 1 in roman letter “I” so its been a PITA to found which values it has…
    One of them exploded so we need to change it out.

    Its a chinese YAG laser marker machine, this is the q-switch who is responsible to turn on or off the frequency of the oscillation on the crystal which acts as a gate for the laser to travel out of the machine to engrave.

  330. Hi Tomas

    I would guess that it is a 560 pF, 0.56 nF, 0.00056 uF, code “561”. From the physical size and voltage rating.

    You should desolder one of the remaining and measure it, infact you should change them all. Possible change them to same capacitance, but higher voltage/current rating, to avoid future failures. Add forced air cooling.

    Kind regards

  331. hi, Mads

    just foud this great page

    i’m trying to find value of this capacitor which is marked

    Thank you
    Ales Strmsek

  332. Hi

    This is from graphic card
    What are the numbers of this to get a replacement ?


  333. Hello! Thank you for this helpful writeup.

    Could you help me identify this cubic cap? I get the 105, but the only other markings are what looks like an “N” in a circle, and a capital E (maybe tolerance?). Looking for a good replacement but confused.

    Thank you!!

  334. Hi Fidget

    For a 1 uF blue ceramic capacitor, of that size, compared to the transistor. It is most likely to be of a low voltage rating like 100V. Judging from the nearby capacitors specified for 63V, I would just look at the voltage ratings of the components sitting in same circuit as this blue capacitor and get a new 1uF with that voltage rating.

    Kind regards

  335. Hello. First of all, I apologize for my bad English. I follow you and your work closely. I am a person working in induction cookers in Turkey. I am constantly doing research and tests with my own means to improve myself. But I’m having trouble matching the coil calculations with the phase angles and capacitor frequency calculations. Can you help me with this? Is there a simple tool you use for such calculations?

  336. Hi Emre

    Thank you for the kind words and do not worry about your English, that is more than good to understand your question 🙂

    I made a spiral coil calculator ( ), where you can add a optional capacitance to calculate the resonant frequency. If you want to know the current at the phase angle, you have to add a sin/cos part to the current going in. You could use the math from SSTC primary current operation ( ) and to calculate resonant current rise, look at the math from the DRSSTC guide on MMC ( )

    Kind regards

  337. hi, i cant find a data sheet to find out values for this rlx as its marked 0330, please help

  338. Hi Ian

    I see it sits next to some Crusial RAM, so these are motherboard capacitors? You should be able to google voltage ratings needed then. Those are most likely 330uF / 105 degree Celsius electrolytic capacitors.

    Kind regards

  339. Waylon Truett


    Since this page seems to stay current, and you are incredibly free and helpful with your replies, here goes: I have a cap marked ‘M.D.L. – MPT 5.0 J 100v’ in a high-end speaker crossover. I take it that this is a metalized film poly cap, 5.0uF, and 5% tolerance, 100 volts rated… Would this be remotely correct? Thanks!

  340. Waylon Truett

    Any thoughts?


    Since this page seems to stay current, and you are incredibly free and helpful with your replies, here goes: I have a cap marked ‘M.D.L. – MPT 5.0 J 100v’ in a high-end speaker crossover. I take it that this is a metalized film poly cap, 5.0uF, and 5% tolerance, 100 volts rated… Would this be remotely correct? Thanks!

  341. Hi Waylon Truett

    I agree 100% with your suggestion. It is also fitting values for a speaker crossover capacitor.

    Kind regards

  342. Robin Marriott

    Hi wonder if you can Help
    |Trying to replace a ceramic capacitor out of a peavey Xover. its Marked:-
    Can you advise what this all means, as i need to obtain a replacement

  343. Jake Roberts


    What a great site and very helpful.
    I have a pair of Studer powered speakers with different 15000uf 63v capacitors in each. I’m looking at replacing them to make them all the same. I have included pictures.
    Could you suggest a worthy replacement?

  344. Jake Roberts

    And here’s the picture of the other nine matched pair. They have a bolt fitting on the base.

  345. Hi Jake

    These a regular electrolytic capacitors. You can replace them with virtually any similar rated capacitor. I do not believe in special snake oil audio capacitors, but that do not mean that a cheap is as good as a expensive. Go for a middle range in price, NOT audio grade middle range 🙂

    The black mark on blue cans is the negative lead.

    Kind regards

  346. Jake Roberts

    Hi Mads,
    Thanks so much for your prompt and wise words, I shall start searching for those.
    Also I am having trouble sourcing the picture cap marked .27K 400V any idea on what I could replace it with? Is the K the tolerance? It is from a Furman Power conditioner.
    Thanks again

  347. And may I add to my last comment. I have three of these and they all read around 80 uF on my multimeter. Should I concider all of them bad. Because they are labeled 100u?

  348. Hey Mads,

    It’s awesome what you are doing here. I really appreciate it.

    I have a little project I am hoping you can help me with. I am working on a Carvin crossover for some Carvin TCS 215 touring speakers. Well I blew the horn side on the crossover (absolutely no sound going to horn.)
    I replaced the 7 (10w20ohmJ) resistors with exact parts because 5 were bad. The 3 little (105k 150 kc) capacitors were replaced with ones that say (105k 150v and that’s it)(no kc) it’s what the electronics guy gave me, but he said, see if this works?
    What does the KC stand for? Is it polycarbonate foil? And if so, what is the difference in what I put in and what should be there.
    I had the electronics guy tell me that the 5 resistors and the three little capacitors were bad along with the (2.0k 250v MET CH). I could not find the (2.0k 250v MET CH) at first so I replaced what I could, to see what my results would be.
    I put the crossover back together with my 10 new parts ( minus the (2.0k 250v MET CH)) and I got a little bit of sound in the treble range of the horn but it was very faint. It crosses over at 850hz so I should be able to hear voice and all coming out.

    Do you think this (2.0k 250v MET CH) capacitor could be causing this major of a problem? Or could it be the little capacitors because of the missing (KC). From the research I have done I think the (2.0k 250v MET CH) is a 2 uF +-10% 250v metallized polyester film capacitor. Is that what you would say?

    Also, my research tells me that metallized polyester film capacitors are used to filter frequencies is that correct?/what are metallized polycarbonate film capacitors for?
    Also, the metal/magnet looking piece of the 1.8 MH inductor fell off the top of it, is that just to hold the wires in place or does it serve some other purpose/what could I use to replace it with?(it shattered.)

    I know this is a lot of questions, I am just hoping to get a better understanding of how to fix this crossover and others in the future.
    Thanks a bunch,

  349. Hi Galen

    I think you are right about all the values, KC has been used for “kilo cycles” in some components, for stating a maximum working frequency, but on your capacitor it is the voltage rating and KC is properly some manufacturing specific code.

    Was the 1.8mH lid like ferrite metal or plastic? If its ferrite, it was a part of getting the rated inductance and you need to replace it.

    Generally there is not much sound difference in the different metal film capacitor technologies, when in the same voltage and rating. Measurements will show if there is a difference, not listening, I only believe in measurements.

    Kind regards

  350. Hi Mads
    I would really appreciate your help. I have uploaded a photo of damaged capacitor that I would like to replace.
    I have tracked down a (1st line) 4.7, (2nd line) 100v (3rd line) VT.
    Is the VT on the sourced Cap. of significance in using as a replacement for the original with UD on it?
    The equipment I want to repair is an Inductive Heater used for heating/releasing seized/corroded car components.
    Hope you can help.

  351. Hi Mike

    I agree on the 4.7uF value, as its also marked on the PCB in white text “4uF7”. 100V voltage rating is correct and UD is just some manufacturing date code or other manufacturer specific code, do not worry about that 🙂

    Kind regards

  352. I am in terrible need to understand what the capacitor code “.1J63” means. I don’t understand the capacity etc.
    Geometrical dimensions: L = 7.2 mm, W = 2.4 mm, H = 6.5 mm, connector pitch = 5.5 mm +-.5 mm
    Color: white
    No further information printed onto the capacitor
    4 of these capacitors are used at on end of an IC ULN2804A and ULN2804A

    I thanking you in advance for helping comments!!!

  353. Oluseyi Olanrewaju

    Hello house,

    Can I replace a damaged 0.1 uF 275V X2 capacitor with 0.22uF 275V X2 capacitor on the control board of a kitchen hood?



  354. Hi Oluseyi Olanrewaju
    If it was a common mode noise filter, then it would properly not affect anything to go from 0.1 to 0.22 uF. But you say a control board, then the capacity might have importance in a timing circuit.
    Kind regards

  355. Oluseyi Olanrewaju

    Hi Mads,
    Thanks so much for your response. The positioning of the 0.1uf 275V capacitor on the board is in parallel connection to the MOV. Should I consider that it is a common mode noise filter? Or otherwise.


  356. Hello all, I also need some help,
    I have these two capacitors that I’m not sure if I’m reading them correctly.

    1G – ???
    100 – 100µF
    16Y – 16V


    1F – ???
    10 – 10µF
    16Y – 16V

    Am I correct?

    Oh, and by the way, those are from an LG monitor controller board

  357. Hi Oluseyi Olanrewaju

    If its parallel to a MOV, its for transient suppression. A 0.22 instead of 0.1 could work for that as well. But it does change the intended frequency response of the filter.

    Kind regards

  358. Hi Michael F

    You have read the codes correct! The first line is manufacturer code/date code and has nothing to do with the specifications.

    Kind regards

  359. Hi Mads,
    This is from my Yamaha AV Receiver : 2G 100 on top line and 102J underneath. Am I correct in saying the 102J is 1nF with a tolerance of +-5%? Also, what is the 2G 100? How do I know the voltage?

  360. Hi Susan Carter

    You are right about the 102J. Normally I would trust the 2G to be 400 VDC rating, but given the position in the circuit, it could also be its the 100 that means 100 VDC. The physical size suggests that its properly 100 VDC.

    Kind regards

  361. Hi Mads,
    Thank you so much for the information. I couldn’t make up my mind if it was 400VDC or 100VDC. So confused over this part! I have only really just begun learning, so it’s nice to have somebody knowledgeable to point me in the right direction.

    Susan Carter

  362. Hi Mads,
    I am searching for Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitor for Gigabyte motherboard:

    Violet color sign on negative polarity

    Thanks, Slobodan

  363. Hi Slobodan
    Sounds like a SMD electrolytic capacitor of 560 uF and 6 VDC, that would fit the 5V rail and this capacitor properly sits near the CPU power supply regulation?
    Kind regards

  364. Hello Mads.

    I have a ceramic capacitor ( blue) that is burned out on a Polaroid TV. The values listed on it are “CH 10J 3KV”

    I’ve went thru the ceramic capacitors I have collected from other electronics and can’t find one like it. Is there an equivalent for that particular blue ceramic capacitor that I could use in place of it?

    Appreciate your knowledge more than anything. I’m really stumped here…. would like to fix this TV.

    Thank You!

  365. Hi, I’m trying to find a replacement for a capacitor that has blown in my Furman Power Conditioner and struggling finding one.

    I’ve attached a photo and it is marked .27k 400v



  366. I’m having trouble with two. I understand most of it, but all the extra writing worries me that I’m not decoding everything correctly. Here’s the first

  367. Hi
    Your help would be much appreciated in “decoding” and suggesting a replacement for the capacitor in the attached photo. I think I understand the first three digit thing, 423 = 42000 but the rest I cannot figure.
    It’s from the input power supply section of a Leica battery charger pcb, that input will be 240V in UK.

    Many thanks in anticipation.

  368. Hi… I been looking for a capasitor for my Panasonic SA-PT580 home theater system
    It is marked as 07L-474 in the amplifier board
    I’ve got the last digit value from the chart
    But i couldn’t find the meaning of 07L
    Can i use any other capasitor insted?


    You can replace it with a 0.47uF MKP capacitor that has a physical size corresponding to the one you want to change, choose the highest possible voltage rating for that physical size. If it says something like X1, X2 or Y1, Y2, you need to replace it with a similar X/Y capacitor.

    Hi Charles

    I doubt that is a capacitor, I need a picture to help more with that.

    Kind regards

  370. this is from a turntable motor, supposedly it governs speed and if it’s bad, will change the motor direction.
    pic included.
    pale green, rectangular block, 2 pins.
    w/the following:
    DIN 44122


  371. Hi. I’m trying to replace this capacitor from a ceiling fan, but I can’t identify it. Could you please? Tx!!

  372. Hello,
    I am hoping that someone could tell me what value this capacitor is? I’ve sent a photo of it and if it helps the device was built in the United Kingdom. I think is a 1uf 10% 50v, but I am just not positive it reads:
    But take a look at the photo and see what you think! Thank You for your help with this because I call my supplier and they did not know.

  373. I was wondering if there’s anyone here who might know or have pictures of the capacitors made with palladium

  374. Great post! The Capacitor code table is really helpful for quick reference. I appreciate how you broke down each function clearly. Looking forward to seeing more examples!

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