Unboxing a Chinese 1800 Watt Induction Heater

I finally got around to get the IH out of the box and repair it, here is part 1 of a series of videos on this IH. Watch part 2 and the following parts here.

This is a 1800 Watt Induction heater that I bought from ebay at 40 Euro, I avoided the cheapest seller for the simple reason that they all have bad reviews, so be sure to check that out before just buying the cheapest.

Discussion of Chinese 1800/2500W induction heaters: https://highvoltageforum.net/index.php?topic=530.0

The future parts will be power supply building and testing.

Pete who started the thread has a wide ranged knowledge of induction heaters. Check out Pete Stanaitis website: https://spaco.org/Blacksmithing/ZVSInductionHeater/ZVS1800Watt/1800-2500WattZVSInductionHeaterNotes.htm and his take on the 1800W IH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S66Y-EZYhjo

4 thoughts on “Unboxing a Chinese 1800 Watt Induction Heater”

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  4. Pingback: Chinese 1800 Watt Induction Heater - 5 minute Stress Test

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