There are several other server power supply hacks available here on the site. Use the search in the menu to the right to find them.
A guide on how to make the, EMC2 API4SG10 (Dell# 071-000-482) , server power supply run outside of its server enclosure. A simple bridge between control pins next to the 230VAC GND pins is required.

Dell PowerEdge M1000E Blade Server Teardown
I came by a discarded full size Dell PowerEdge M1000E server rack. Full SAN, 2 large blade servers, 4 or 6 backbone switches, all power supplies and fans. This is a system that is about 8-10 years old and had a new price of around 1000000 DKR (166666 $US).
It was all unloaded in a big mess into a container and I only had time/space to take a blade server, all power supplies and fans with me. Hard disks all go to destruction and backbone switches and the M1000E cabinet itself is too big and clumsy to have any real value in the work shop.
Discussion of the teardown:
Good day, Mr. Barnkob,
Greetings from California.
My name is SreeKumar and an avid observer of your YT presentations. Thank you.
Your PV system is the most interesting, unlike many many many ‘Solar Warriors’, who
mislead every one, who are looking for an honest report of how to go about, a very simple, PV for their homes.
You, even, mentioned that the batteries you acquired was a used one, tested by the seller. Though your system configuration is for 24V DC, it’s all the same procedure for
12~24V DC. Many people, whom I have come across, are still, under the impression that the “Solar Cells” are the one that provides the power to devices and appliances and has no knowledge of storage Batteries that are charged by the Solar Cells !This is happening, even now, in ‘Civilized’ countries. And the PV Cell dealers take advantage of the ignorance of the public, by offering them FREE Solar Cells. Most often, the PV Cell Dealers do not talk about the expensive storage batteries and the maintenance that comes along with it. It’s sad that many many older people are cheated, by the PV Dealers.
I observed in your presentation, that you have only used Single pole Circuit breakers in all instances. Even though in principle this procedure is acceptable, isn’t it better to use double pole Circuit Breakers? Please do comment.
I have built a simple PV System for lighting my garage and my work area. I used four AstroPower AP-100 PV cells, VICTRON 100/30 Charge Controller, 4X100Ah LiFePo4 batteries, total being 16X100Ah batteries in series/parallel configuration. Each battery has their own individual BMS with BT info. The reason as to why I went that type setup, is because, if at all any cell was nonconforming, then I could easily replace the defective cell, than buying 2X200 Ah for obvious reasons.
Thanks for reading the lengthy comments.
Please see PayPal notice.
Take care and stay safe and bless you.
KJ Kumar PhD
Nuclear Electronics Engineer
111620/0131h PST 0931 UTC
Hi Sree Kumar
I am fine with single MCBs, they will do fine for protection against 1 fault. But you are right, that if there is a second fault somewhere else at the same time. Then you can have a situation where breaking both positive and negative would mitigate that. But that is very unlikely to happen.
The double you saw is just a 2P 200A disconnector, not a MCB.
It is a good idea to make a 4 strings of 4 batteries, just remember to add disconnector switches, so you can turn one string off before removing, at least makes it easier/more safe 🙂
Thank you for the support.
Kind regards
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