A VTTC is a Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil and it uses vacuum tubes / valves for the oscillator that is self biasing from a grid leak circuit.
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Read this document about safety!
This is a quick lash up done in a few hours and thus is only working that good. It will properly be out of tune since the primary coil is not adjustable.
Tube | 1x PL36 line output pentode |
High voltage supply | 230 / 2300VAC microwave oven transformer. Supplied through a variac. |
Primary coil | 75 mm diameter, 0.8 mm diameter copper wire (0.5 mm2) 18 windings. |
Capacitor tank | 3x 10 nF / 2kV Panasonic ECWH capacitors in series. |
Secondary coil | 50 mm diameter, 200 mm long, 1430 windings, 0.127 mm enamelled copper wire |
Topload | Two bottoms from beer cans / none. |
Resonant frequency | Around 470 kHz. Higher without topload. |
Grid leak circuit | 15 windings feedback coil, 2,2 nF capacitor and 68k grid leak resistor. |
Input power | 100 to 200 Watt, not sure. |
Spark length | up to 50 mm long sparks. |
The high voltage supply is not grounded.
15th June 2009
A quick lash up that uses a single microwave oven transformer as supply for a single PL36 line output pentode from a old CRT monitor.
The microwave oven transformer high voltage is rectified by a diode from a microwave oven.
The Panasonic ECWH capacitors for tank and grid leak comes from the high voltage power supply circuitry found in TV sets using flyback transformers.
Running in CW mode.
A fairly good output of 50 mm sparks for a coil that was put together without any complicated calculations done up front and without being able to be tuned. Primary coil was made according to a quick run through JAVATC to find the resonant frequency.
But despite that effort it still performed better without topload on that with, which indicates it was oscillating at a higher frequency than 470 kHz.
Further reading Steve Ward have documented 5 of his VTTCs, the staccato controller and written a good FAQ that is a must for anyone wanting to build a VTTC. Vacuum tube database, almost any tube data sheet can be found here.