Slow Motion Fireworks Red/Green/Gold Cake 1000FPS, 2.7 Seconds Turned Into 90 Seconds

I hope you will enjoy this video slow motion fireworks that I recorded right at new years eve between 2020 and 2021. It is a compilation of high speed recordings that I captured with my FPS1000 high speed camera, the model FPS1000HD with 64 GB of memory.

It starts out with 10 shots fired from a ground cake, also known as a fireworks barrage or battery. The resulting air bombs detonate into red and green colored descending fireballs with trails of gold glitter behind them.

All the raw footage is available for licensing. It can be delivered in single frame developed jpgs in 1280×720 with a recorded speed of 1000 frames per second. Contact Kaizer Power electronics through the form here.

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