DIY 250W LED Flood Light for High Speed Filming, Part 3 of 3.

This is part 3 of my DIY LED flood light that is going to be used for high speed video filming with the FPS1000HD camera.

In this video, I measured the lux value to 25000 at 1 square meter which corresponds to the given lumen value for the LED COBs.

The 36VDC power supply voltage ripple is examined, the 50 Hz ripple is limited to around 1VDC. High frequency 20-45 kHz switching noise is no apparent problem.

There is some flicker in the background when recording at 1000 and 4000 FPS. Once the framerate gets up to 8000 and 20000 FPS, there is not enough light to even get the subject properly lit up.

If you missed part 1 and 2, be sure to watch the videos and get all details in the articles. DIY 250W LED Flood Light for High Speed Filming, Part 1 of 3 and DIY 250W LED Flood Light for High Speed Filming, Part 2 of 3.

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