Computer Gold Scrap Money WITHOUT Chemicals or Mechanical Processing (Part 1 of 2)

Old electronics and expensive RF parts often contain a large amount of gold and other precious materials. I have seen a lot of Computer Gold Scrap recovery videos on youtube. I assume that you have seen the same. Some are handling everything correct, but truth is, with the dangerous and hazardous nature of the dust and chemicals, very few get it right. It is going to either hurt yourself or the environment, when you are not handling it according to all possible codes and restrictions.

The electronics scrap in this video was collected over 4 years and totals at around 12 kg.

Breakdown of materials:€/KGKGTotal
CPU Ceramic Gold Top180.520.85153.44
CPU Ceramic106.190.1616.99
CPU Plastic43.530.7231.34
PCB 1A10.612.6628.22
CPU Slot Card29.20.174.96
RAM Gold Pins29.25.44158.85
RAM Silver Pins10.611.313.79
IC Plastic9.020.363.25
An expected minimum of 410€ is expected to be paid out for the above electronics gold scrap.

I also made a video about selling gold scrap electronics back in 2018. Check out 2018 gold scrap selling part 1 and 2018 gold scrap selling part 2.

Computer Gold Scrap Recovery Problems

When you realize just how much equipment, chemicals, protective gear and time that has to be invested in such a refinery. And we are not yet at the handling of the resulting waste.

Here I present you with a easy alternative to the above. Exporting the scrap to a precious metal recovery company and get money straight into your bank account. No risks for your own health or the environment. Safety around dangerous chemicals or machinery is not a joke!

Get money for your gold, silver, palladium and titanium without recovery, refining, chemicals, mechanically smashing or crushing. The precious metal refinery of cpu, ram, IC, chip, pins and fingers should be left to the professionals. No more smelting and melting of scrap, schrott or e-schrott. If its electronics, waste, edelmetall, ceramic CPUs like 286, 386, 486 and Pentium Pro, there is money to made from selling it.

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