Currently there is quite a few projects either on hold or advancing with slow progress. Reasons are the same as always. Lack of time, materials and money 🙂 Here is a small list of the projects that are currently being worked on or bought materials for, these are projects that will later appear as complete articles.
600 kV Marx Generator (December 2008 – )
Full bridge IXYS 60N60 miniblock IGBT DRSSTC (March 2009 – )
520W SGTC with RSG (July 2008 – )
2x 30W EL34 tube amplifier (July 2009 – )
3500W VTTC with a Q5/2000 tetrode tube (November 2008 – )
TL494 flyback driver (June 2009 – )
4x4x4 Ledcube (September 2009 – )
Various SMPS (October 2009 – )
It is primarily the DRSSTC I put my time into as I have the materials and it is one of my biggest projects to date.