Anet A8 3D Printer Upgrades: 12V Power Supply From a Server

This is the first upgrade for the Anet A8 3D printer. A new power supply from a HP server will be a fire-hazard reducing upgrade. The original PSU is a undersized and over-specified power supply, that came with the printer.

12V @ 62A is of cause much more powerful than needed for the Anet A8. This will as a result, keep the fan spinning at minimum speed. You do not want to be in the same room as a server power supply running at full current output with maximum fan spin. It is like a jet engine.

Below is the schematic for a HP DPS-750RB Rev. A server power supply, standard model number HSTNS-PD18.

DPS750RB schematic pinout

Server power supply hacking for Anet A8 3D Printer

There is also a article on hacking the Server PSU Hack – EMC2 API4SG10 12VDC 300W From a Dell PowerEdge M1000E or the Server PSU Hack – HP DPS-800GB A, 12VDC 1000W

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