Project updates #3

The radiation monitoring is back up and running after a small upgrade of the 400V inverter choke which should make it run completely stable again.

I repaired my 15 year old Texas Instruments TI-83 calculator and it is almost as good as new, taking its hard life in a school bag into account this is really doing well after so many years and a small repair is the least that could be done for it.

The large DRSSTC is currently on a bit of hold while I am waiting for some laser cut parts for the topload construction, so unfortunately nothing new to add here.

I have received new enclosures for building a set of two mono tube amplifiers out from my 6P45S tube amplifier prototype and already have the power supply and mono stage circuit boards etched and half way populated with components, this will get its own update later.

I am also working on a couple of new online calculators for secondary and primary calculations for designing Tesla coils.

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