Computer scrap gold money WITHOUT chemicals or mechanical processing

In this video I show how you can still make money on scrap computer parts without refining the parts yourself, so there is no use of chemicals, no tedious work in crushing and grounding parts, no burning and melting. Just a quick way of getting it exported with correct paperwork and get the money directly to your bank account.

Selling whole parts will ofcourse yield a lower price then processing it all yourself, but equipment, chemicals, refining, work hours, wear and tear on your stuff is all important factors to count into the equation, last but certainly not least, take care of your own health! Chemicals and fine dust from crushing electronics is not good for your body if you fail to protect it correctly.

This is the part 1 of 2 video and the second video will be about the process after the packet has been sent, comparison with my estimate and what is really paid out. I expect to have part 2 ready in a week or so.

1 thought on “Computer scrap gold money WITHOUT chemicals or mechanical processing”

  1. Pingback: Computer scrap gold money WITHOUT chemicals or mechanical processing, part 2 | Kaizer Power Electronics

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