Kitsune^2 – Avast Your Ass, on a Musical Tesla Coil

“Avast Your Ass” is a techno song created by Renard Queenston and released under his Kitsune^2 alias on the aliases album “Squaredance”.

MIDI/Music interrupters you can build yourself:

1 channel analog audio Tesla Coil interrupter
4 channel polyphonic MIDI Tesla Coil interrupter
(Used in this video) 1 channel compact/simple USB MIDI Tesla Coil interrupter

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Learn how to build your own Tesla coil and how to make it play music through a MIDI interrupter that can connect a computer to your Tesla coil in order to play music from just the sparks alone. It can be a hard start to build a Tesla coil if you have no prior experience in doing so. Besides the guide that I have listed here above, I have also developed a good deal of tools that can help you design and check if your components can be used in a Tesla coil. It is important to stay within the physical and electrical limits of the components. Else you are at great risk of damaging them due to Tesla coils pushing the components beyond their specifications in order to get the longest sparks for the least amount of money.

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