I tested all my Tesla coil test gear before the Roskilde Festival 2022 job. Setting all up, running MIDI, burst and normal operation. Testing all from grounding scheme, to show controller, to recording equipment.
Tesla coil test being used: https://kaizerpowerelectronics.dk/tesla-coils/kaizer-drsstc-i/
Show controller for 6 Tesla coils: https://kaizerpowerelectronics.dk/tesla-coils/6-channel-drsstc-show-controller/
Safety box and mains supply: https://kaizerpowerelectronics.dk/tesla-coils/tesla-coil-soft-start-safety-box/
Do you want to learn how to build a Tesla coil? Fear not! All documentation can be found on this very website and all the help you should ever need in the world can be found at https://highvoltageforum.net