This is the first video in a series of 3, on how to get started with the DRSSTC UD3 Tesla coil driver. Huge shoutout to Steve Ward, Netzpfuscher (Jens Kerrinnes), Malte0811 and TMaxElectronics (Thorben Zethoff) for their work on the UD3 platform. I am on installing and testing this in my large Kaizer DRSSTC 3 Tesla coil!
HVF Thread on the development:
The UD3 is a Tesla coil driver board for controlling a DRSSTC or QCW. The interrupter is embedded in the UD3 (Classic Mode / MIDI / SID(C64) / QCW Ramp). The UD3 was originally developed by Steve Ward.
- Embedded interrupter with MIDI and SID audio modulation
- Primary resonator fres measurement (frequency sweep)
- Primary peak current measurement over feedback CT
- Pulse skipping
- Alarm/Event system for fault tracing
- System fault interlocks for undervoltage/temperature/watchdog
- Bus current measurement (current or voltage mode CT)
- Controls up to 4 relays to handle inrush current and other things
- Can control an external light display for showing selected parameters
- It runs FreeRTOS, making it easy to add new functionality
- Commandline over serial interface
- Multi user commandline over MIN-Protocol
- Dual voltage measurement (differential)
- Support for Teslaterm and UD3-node
- Telemetry over serial
- Bootloader with serial/usb support (firmware update with Teslaterm)
UD3 github:
TeslaTerm github:
FiberNet github:
UD3.1b github: