APC Back-UPS Pro 1500 VA Teardown

A teardown of a desktop “PRO” UPS, the APC Back-UPS PRO 1500, a run down of the controller and power electronics of the system. I also compare it to the APC Smart-UPS 1500 VA, that I did a teardown of, some months ago.

APC Smart-UPS 1500 vs. APC Back-UPS PRO 1500

A comparison is not fair, from the point of view, that there is 10 years between these two designs. The major differences on the outside would be the master/slave and surge protection only outputs on the Back-UPS PRO version, whereas everything just runs on back on the Smart-UPS. The PRO version is thus smarter, makes sure to shut protect against mains supply transients and blinks in the light, and maximizes battery backup power for the master connected devices.

I forgot to take pictures, so you will have to do with the video 🙂

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