Taxi Radio Basestation teardown – UHF/VHF Storno radio

This is a teardown of a complete Taxi computer and UHF/VHF Storno radio base station system. The Taxi car computer and connection box is used for location tracking, taxation, passenger detection and correct price calculation. All done in order to make sure that correct taxes are paid to the government but also to ensure that fair prices are billed to the customers.

More teardown videos and articles of radio equipment, can be found in the complete list of teardowns.

The radio base station backbone of the systems are rather old and works in the 150 MHz range for both transmitting and receiving.

The two amplifiers are a Storno CQF612 and a Storno CQF9112, there is plenty of historic data to find on these using google if it is of further interest to the reader.

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