Fujifilm FCR XG-1 X-ray Scanner, Photomultiplier Tube Reverse-engineering (Part 3 of 3)

Reverse engineering of the Fujifilm PMT12A PMT module that contains the photomultiplier tube, high voltage power supply and analog amplifier from a Fujifilm FCR XG-1 x-ray image scanner / digitizer.

Also known as Computerized Radiography (CR), it fulfills the job of scanning a x-ray exposed image plate with a laser beam and extract each pixel illumination with a photo multiplier tube setup. It can scan 72 plate per hour with a maximum resolution of 7080 X 9480 in 12 bits per pixel gray scale.

Pictures and long description: https://kaizerpowerelectronics.dk/high-voltage/fujifilm-photomultiplier-tube/

Discussion of reverse engineering: https://highvoltageforum.net/index.php?topic=1618.0

Discussion of the part 1 and 2 teardown: https://highvoltageforum.net/index.php?topic=1584.0

Part 1, Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5EP17UfxKM

Part 1, Pictures and long description: https://kaizerpowerelectronics.dk/teardown/fujifilm-fcr-xg-1-x-ray-image-scanner-teardown-part-1-of-3/

Part 2, Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fL_aKOFaXbw

Part 2, Pictures and long description: https://kaizerpowerelectronics.dk/teardown/fujifilm-fcr-xg-1-x-ray-laser-module-teardown-part-2-of-3/

1 thought on “Fujifilm FCR XG-1 X-ray Scanner, Photomultiplier Tube Reverse-engineering (Part 3 of 3)”

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