Weezer – Buddy Holly, on a Musical Tesla Coil
Weezer – Buddy Holly, played on my own musical Tesla Coil, the DRSSTC2 Tesla Coil https://kaizerpowerelectronics.dk/tesla-coils/kaizer-drsstc-ii/ using the USB MIDI Stick interrupter: https://highvoltageforum.net/index.php?topic=1117.0 MIDI/Music interrupters you can build yourself:4 channel polyphonic MIDI: https://highvoltageforum.net/index.php?topic=1020.0(Used in this video) 1 channel compact/simple USB MIDI: https://highvoltageforum.net/index.php?topic=1117.01 channel analog audio: https://kaizerpowerelectronics.dk/tesla-coils/musical-sstcdrsstc-interrupter/ Support the channel, join as a member here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSukTlgTEWiL-sl0UeYeJvQ/join […]
Weezer – Buddy Holly, on a Musical Tesla Coil Read More »