
DIY handheld induction heater

Handheld 150 Watt Induction Heater on 18650 Batteries

This is a 150 Watt Induction heater that I bought from Ebay at 6 Euro, I avoided the cheapest sellers for the simple reason that they all have bad reviews, so be sure to check that out before just buying the cheapest. I am building it into a handheld 150 Watt Induction Heater on 18650 […]

Handheld 150 Watt Induction Heater on 18650 Batteries Read More »

Chinese 1800 Watt Induction Heater – Horizontal Oven Heat Insulation Test

Test with using regular mineral wool for house insulation, to insulate the work coil in order to achieve higher steel temperatures. Here is another try, unlike the induction heater vertical oven, just with the induction heater horizontal oven. To contain some more heat, accidentally melted some plastic on the enclosure from that

Chinese 1800 Watt Induction Heater – Horizontal Oven Heat Insulation Test Read More »

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